New Lottery with More To WIN!

vertigorocks said:
Honestly guys, I really think there should be AT LEAST a 10 post count minimum to even be a part of this lottery. It isn't right that some guy that makes his first and probably only post in this lottery post and he wins, and probably won't even post a thank you or a good review. I've seen it happen a number of times and it really pisses me off. Thank god I finally won this thing!!

Yeah, I vote for a post minimum. For instance, let's say 50 posts. If people really want to be a part of these sweet ass give aways, they make the effort to get to 50. By that time, they might feel like a regular and could contribute to the board more. Win win, in my opinion.
steroidshaman said:
You guys are pretty down on people coming from other boards.You never know who someone is.In todays climate someone could have had 3,000 plus posts at a board and then poof it is gone.So then they start checking out the new boards to find a home and bam everyone talks smack because there post count is low.Doesn't make you want to check out that board much more.
But anyways I think it should be at least 10 and that the person should have 24 hours to claim there prize.If they go 24 hours without logging on I'd say they are not an active member at all.

We're not coming down on newbies at all, we're just commenting on the fact that so many people register in this board ONLY to try and win the free stuff from the MC store and a lot of the boards regulars feel as if that is unfair that someone that comes in only in hopes of free stuff wins even though they never even introduce themselves or contribute.

We are just getting tired of users whose only posts consist of three numbers, and thats all.

If someone new comes here and wins and contributes, says thank you, introduces themselves then that is fine, I hope that happens sometimes, maybe we would get a few more regulars.
vertigorocks said:
We're not coming down on newbies at all, we're just commenting on the fact that so many people register in this board ONLY to try and win the free stuff from the MC store and a lot of the boards regulars feel as if that is unfair that someone that comes in only in hopes of free stuff wins even though they never even introduce themselves or contribute.

We are just getting tired of users whose only posts consist of three numbers, and thats all.

If someone new comes here and wins and contributes, says thank you, introduces themselves then that is fine, I hope that happens sometimes, maybe we would get a few more regulars.
I'm with you there.I was a vet at SSB and total-muscle through real post count.I used to hate it when some newb with a couple posts would come and win a contest.
It's just frustrating nowadays with all the boards that closed finding new home boards.Sorry to hijack.
646....Sorry for the low post count, but I've been visiting boards and using the juice of the gods for 12 years....I've seen boards come and go, some good, some bad....I like this board, but to be honest, I just don't have much to say. Seems like I've read every newbie question there is....and I realize these questions must be asked for the poster to gain the knowledge he/she needs to proceed in his/her quest to gain the muscle we all love to see....
Life is so busy these days, I wish I had more time and patience to read and reply to every post but the time and patience just isn't there anymore....and
having dial-up service doesn't help either