
New member
Hi everyone! I'm Ben, live in California USA. I like crossfit and lifting weights.
I'm 28, 5'8 and about 170lbs. I'm here to learn and grow(:
I'm happy I found this forum I've gone through some threads and seen some quality info and discussions. I hope to get familiar with some, get help and maybe help some others.
Thank you, guys.
Hi everyone! I'm Ben, live in California USA. I like crossfit and lifting weights.
I'm 28, 5'8 and about 170lbs. I'm here to learn and grow(:
I'm happy I found this forum I've gone through some threads and seen some quality info and discussions. I hope to get familiar with some, get help and maybe help some others.
Thank you, guys.

Glad u are here. MC has alot of valuable info and some very knowledgeable members who will try to provide info and answer questions.
MC is not a source board though, meaning we will not answer those types of questions.

Welcome to MC, read learn, create threads for answers and info. It helps lots of people besides just the OP!!
Glad u are here!!