NEW PSL CONTEST !! (The Ideal Cycles Trio)


Gold Member
Ladies and Gents.

Presenting a New Sponsored Contest Today !!

Rules are plain and simple .. we wan't to See your BEST IDEAS for the Perfect Cycles Trio - according to your Opinion and Experience:


1. Mass/Bulk Cycle
2. Cutter Cycle
3. Power (Strength) Cycle
(Preferred - EP Line based Cycles.)

Go ahead and Post Up Your "Ideal Trio set" :

(Detailed: running times , dosing , diet ..the more details and Knowledge - The Better)

The Best Three "Trio Sets" = Winners , will not Only be Rewarded with Really Attractive "Percents OFF" for Any Order - WINNER'S CHOICE !! ... at: PURITYSOURCELABS.COM

.... But also the best "Trios" will be Posted up Proudly at Our Blog.

Authors-Winners Names will be Recognized & Respected by the BLOG and members of Musclechemistry Family - who I think will gladly .. Evaluate , Learn , Share , Comment and Discuss and Contribute.


1st place: 35% OFF - Any Single Order at PSL website

2nd place: 25% OFF - Any Single Order at PSL website

3rd place: 15% OFF - Any Single Order at PSL website

( * Those % Rewards do NOT apply to GH and already "Specialized deals" as "the Pinks .." )


Good Luck and Enjoy.
PSL Crew.
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#1 Bulk and Mass I prefer Test, Deca and D-bol. Pure old school stack.

10 week Cycle

1 gram Test Cyp Weekly
400 mg Deca Weekly
50 mg D-bol daily

Cals should be about 500 over maintenance. Lots of volume training and minimal cardio.

#2 Cutter I prefer Tren, Test and Mast.

10 week cycle

500 mg Tren ace weekly
500 mg Test prop weekly
500 Mast prop weekly

Cals about 500 below maintenance on non training days. 4 day split with ever increasing cardio per week.

#3 Power Cycle I like Anadrol, Test and Tren.

10 week cycle

100 mg anadrol daily
1 gram Test Cyp weekly
500 mg Tren Enanthate Weekly

Cals 500 above maintenance. Power lifting routine.
#1 Bulk and Mass I prefer Test, Deca and D-bol. Pure old school stack.

10 week Cycle

1 gram Test Cyp Weekly
400 mg Deca Weekly
50 mg D-bol daily

Cals should be about 500 over maintenance. Lots of volume training and minimal cardio.

#2 Cutter I prefer Tren, Test and Mast.

10 week cycle

500 mg Tren ace weekly
500 mg Test prop weekly
500 Mast prop weekly

Cals about 500 below maintenance on non training days. 4 day split with ever increasing cardio per week.

#3 Power Cycle I like Anadrol, Test and Tren.

10 week cycle

100 mg anadrol daily
1 gram Test Cyp weekly
500 mg Tren Enanthate Weekly

Cals 500 above maintenance. Power lifting routine.

can I get second place by copying?
yea he pretty much summed it up maybe throw some others in there but not much needs to be added for a cutter I would go more like, test 400mg, tren a 100mg eod, var 40mg/d and maybe 5iu gh
First Set

From Personal Experience:


1. EP Testosterone Cypionate/Enanthate 250mg/ml
2. EP Dianabol 10mg
3. EP Nandralone Decanate 250mg/ml
4. EP Arimidex
5. HCG 5000iu
6. EP Nolvadex
7. EP Clomid
8. HGH

Week:1-16 HGH 10iu
Week: 1-8 Testosterone cyp/enan 500mg
Week: 9-16 Testosterone cyp/enan 1000mg
Week: 1-4 Dianabol 140mg
Week: 1-12 Nandralone Deconate 500mg

Start week 18:
HCG 500iu for first 10 days
Nolvadex 20mg for first 20 days
Clomid 50mg for 10 days after nolvadex ends

**HGH **
2iu Monday-Friday first thing when you wake up.

Week 1-8: 250mg on Tuesday and Thursday
Week 9-16: 500mg on Tuesday and Thursday

10mg at breakfast
10mg with early afternoon meal or preworkout meal

**Nandralone Deconate**
250mg Tuesday and Thursday


Meal #1
2 Cups of egg whites
2 whole eggs
1/3 cup of Cream of Rice
1 Banana

Meal #2
1 Universal Nutrition Real Gains shake
1tbs of natural peanut butter

Meal #3
10 oz of ground bison
1 cup of white rice
small salad

Meal #4
10oz of chicken
8oz red potato
small salad

Meal #5 (Post workout meal)
60g of whey isolate
5g creatine monohydrate
10g glutamine

Meal #6
10oz of ground turkey (or lean turkey chili)
1 cup of broccoli
1 cup of brown rice

Meal #7
50g Whey blend (Nutrex Muscle Infusion or similar whey blend)
scoop of fiber

Cardio: Steady state 20 minutes, twice a week.
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Last years cut cycle straight off my bulk. Basic, non contest

Cut Cycle

1. EP Testosterone cypionate/enthanate 250mg/ml
2. EP Testosterone propinate 100mg/ml
3. EP Winstrol
4. EP Trenbolon Acetate
5. EP Arimidex
6. HCG 5000iu
7. EP Nolvadex
8. EP Clomid


Week: 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate/cypionate 750mg/ml
Week: 13-16 Testosterone Propinate 600mg/ml
Week: 8-12 Trenbolone Acetate 150mg/ml-200mg/ml (based on eod dose)
Week:13-16 Trenbolone Acetate 300mg/ml-400mg/ml (based on eod dose)
Week: 8-12 Winstrol 350mg
Week: 13-16 Winstrol 700mg
Week:1-16 Arimidex 1mg eod

**Testosterone Cypionate/Enanthate**
Week: 1-12 250mg Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

**Testosterone Propinate**
Week: 13-16 150mg Sun/Tues/Thurs/Sat

**Tren Ace**
Week: 8-12 50mg Sun/Tues/Thurs/Sat =200mg
8-12 50mg Mon/Wed/Fri =150mg

*Tren Ace**
Week: 13-16 100mg Sun/Tues/Thurs/Sat =400mg
13-16 100mg Mon/Wed/Fri =300mg

Week 8-12 50mg ED
Week 13-16 100mg ED

1mg EOD


Meal #1
2 Cups of egg whites
1/3 cup of Cream of Rice

Meal #2
8oz bison/top sirloin
3/4 white rice
small salad

Meal #3
8oz chicken breast
6oz sweet potato
small salad

Meal #4
8oz Extra Lean Turkey
3/4 Brown Rice
small salad

Meal #5 (Post workout meal)
60g of whey isolate
5g creatine monohydrate
10g glutamine

Meal #6
8oz tilapia or cod
1 cup of broccoli

Meal #7
50g Whey blend (Nutrex Muscle Infusion or similar whey blend)
scoop of fiber

Cardio: Steady state 35 minutes, 4 times a week.

Goal is to lose 2lbs per week.
Great Start Guys. I really like both .... But kinda "Sincerely Dosed" .. ;) - at least for our European .."trends" LOL

Real Nice so far !
HI's idea - pro. condensed and to the Point ... as usual.
Buffalo's -Nicely laid down and detailed with cool and useful Diet Info.

Thanks Bros -And let's see some competition and some more "Trio Solutions" :cool:
Great Start Guys. I really like both .... But kinda "Sincerely Dosed" .. ;) - at least for our European .."trends" LOL

Real Nice so far !
HI's idea - pro. condensed and to the Point ... as usual.
Buffalo's -Nicely laid down and detailed with cool and useful Diet Info.

Thanks Bros -And let's see some competition and some more "Trio Solutions" :cool:

I like the least amount of gear. With good gear, there is no need to go crazy. I like building up to heavy doses since I'm on gear about 8-10 months out of the year.
Great , Smart point(post..) Buffalo ! Especially 2 first sentences :cool:

-And show your real self as Avi - instead of that .............. boy .... girl ..??? I got confused .. :D (is that JB?? - im behind on that matter a bit)
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Great , Smart point(post..) Buffalo ! Especially 2 first sentences :cool:

-And show your real self as Avi - instead of that .............. boy .... girl ..??? I got confused .. :D (is that JB?? - im behind on that matter a bit)

OK. Here's my offseason front double bicep. I was a little flat that day.
Strength Stack

Week: 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate/cypionate 750mg/ml
Week: 1-6 Dbol 350mg
Week: 8-12 Trenbolone Acetate 150mg/ml-200mg/ml (based on eod dose)
Week: 8-12 Winstrol 350mg
Week: 8-12 Winstrol 700mg
Week: 8-12 Halo 350mg (Pre workout on training days)
Week: 1-12 Arimidex 1mg eod

Meal #1
2 Cups of egg whites
2 whole eggs
1/3 cup of Cream of Rice
1 Banana
1tbs Natural Peanut Butter

Meal #2
1 Universal Nutrition Real Gains shake

Meal #3
10 oz of ground bison
2 cup of Jasmine rice
small salad

Meal #4
10oz of chicken
8oz red potato
small salad

Meal #5 (Post workout meal)
60g of whey isolate
5g creatine monohydrate
10g glutamine

Meal #6
10oz of ground turkey (or lean turkey chili)
1 cup of broccoli
1 cup of Jasmine Rice

Meal #7
50g Whey blend (Nutrex Muscle Infusion or similar whey blend)
scoop of fiber