new shitloading thread


New member
Gold Member
i was just reading the lengthy shitloading thread from some old members, and im a gonna def give this a try, and thought we need some new input from people have tried this and their experiences.

i concluded from those posts, that a week out, ill will drop my carbs to 60 postworkout, double my water and watch my soduim until fri. fri i will start cutting water and stop at 6 pm. then i will start shitloading every 2-3. the problem is, none of the posts really talk about what foods to shitload with. i was thinking because i probably dont want to go way overboard, i would just have a few slices of pizza every couple hours. im also thinking either aladactone for the final week, or my buddy used half a lasix pill on friday, and it worked well for him. also, what about sat morning? keep eating? i guess i would have to see how i look.
yes keep eating saturday morning, i eat steak and pancakes and shitloads of syrup, i never tryed shitloading as Im not a big fan of this method only bcause i am afraid to fuck myslef up and come out bloated like a pig, but you can eat pie filling, doughnuts, u name it bro, they eat it, i know a guy who ate a whole large cheese pizze the nght beofre and kept water to a minimum and came in great conditioning, i think he gt the idea here reading a post where someone else tryed it, and so he decided to try it even thugh i begged him not to,lol, but he came in full and thick and dry as a bone,
P is correct- you keep eating. I have seen guys carb up with cake, twinkies, cheesecake,etc. I would never try it either because I am an endo and I know for a fact I would spill over and look like a bloated pig.
I will carb up Thursday the week of the show with things like All Fruit, Yams....
If you are considering using aldactone, begin on Monday- its a mild diuretic so effects take some time to kick in. I like lasix but you have to be careful because it can ause problems and make you come in flat as a pancake.
I prefer diamox or dyazide(which is what I have used the past few seasons).
yeah, i am also scared to over do it. so i will make sure im totally depleted, and just have a slice of pizza or two, with no water, every couple hours. i will deplete all next week , and shitload fri. if i look all right, im gonna throw a couple coats of protan on, and ill see you at the philly show.
DB...keep us posted and lets see those contest pics....Good Luck Bro'...
I know some endurance racers that use this technique before marathons and triathlons. Load up on carbs and fats and your muscles full up and store them.

Good Luck bro and keep us posted
I'm going to do a trial run on Sunday, April 25th. My show will be on the following Sunday.
I did a trial run last night and I'm not happy with the results. I felt like shit all day today (spent the day in the bathroom as well). I don't know if it was because my BF% isn't quite low enough yet to notice a difference, but my metabolism just didn't respond well to all that sodium and fat. I'll stick with my old carb-load protocol.