

New member
Gold Member
Hey Brothers I am new to musclechemistry! I am glad to be here and looking forward to being a part of this community. I am sure that I had a load of information to learn here. Looking forward to it!
Hey Brothers I am new to musclechemistry! I am glad to be here and looking forward to being a part of this community. I am sure that I had a load of information to learn here. Looking forward to it!

Welcome bro!! If you want to learn this is the place to be. A lot of knowlegable Bros here!
Welcome to the best Fourm in bodybuilding........great guys and gals pitching in their wealth of knowledge and experiences
Glad to have you here- can you tell us a little about yourself?
What are your goals???
I am 50yrs old
2 1/2 years of working out solid, but was on and off since I was in the military (1992).
I am not a bodybuilder at my age. But I love the challenge and to see progression.
I am about to start a new cycle that will be a bulker and to get my bf lower with a good clean diet.
I will be running-
Eq 500mgs a wk for 16 weeks
Test c 500mgs a wk for 14 weeks
Test p 400mgs a wk for 4 weeks
Hcg 500ius a wk
Proviron- 25mg ed
Anastrozole .5 ed
Nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
My main goal is to lower my bf!
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I am 50yrs old
2 1/2 years of working out solid, but was on and off since I was in the military (1992).
I am not a bodybuilder at my age. But I love the challenge and to see progression.
I am about to start a new cycle that will be a bulker and to get my bf lower with a good clean diet.
I will be running-
Eq 500mgs a wk for 16 weeks
Test c 500mgs a wk for 14 weeks
Test p 400mgs a wk for 4 weeks
Hcg 500ius a wk
Caber .5- 2x a wk
Anastrozole .5 ed
Nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
My main goal is to lower my bf!

That is a solid looking cycle brutha! You might wanna start a new thread in the main anabolic discussion forum though with your cycle information, in any case cycle looks solid, and regardless of your cycle compounds, diet is whats going to get you to your goal of lowering your body fat %
Better late than never....... Welcome Brother, these guys are great here and make you fell welcomed.
Welcome stud muffin. I won't ask about that name lol. But you seem well versed and that is a solid cycle. doing some thing the same my self.
I am a rep for massbuilder and we are new to musclechemistry. I am very glad to be a part of a great sponsor that cares so much for his clients. I am a 50yr old man who believes in honesty, hard work and loyalty and that is what massbuilder brings to the table along with great gear, shipping and communication. Looking forward to helping Brothers out with great prices and to hit high level goals. We have totally FREE SHIPPING with NO MINIMUM, so check out our banner.
To order- [email protected]
Thank you so much for letting us be a part of musclechemistry!
I will be starting my cycle at the end of this coming week. I am excited about this cycle because I am running our gear and hgh which I have never ran before. I will keep everyone updated when I start my cycle.