Newbie Mistakes?


What have been some of the newbie mistakes you have made in your time? It may be embarrasing, but it may save someone some time, trouble, money, etc.

Mine was doing a cycle of 15mgs of dbol and 9mgs of winny ED for 3 weeks. Looking back, that was pretty retarted. Especially seeing as though I paid an arm and a leg for that stuff.

And there was that time when I shot my test susp into the sphinctor of my ass. When I was told to inject it in my buttucks, I read into that one all wrong.
jaywooly said:

And there was that time when I shot my test susp into the sphinctor of my ass. When I was told to inject it in my buttucks, I read into that one all wrong.


My first two 'cycles' were just dbol tapering up and down from 20mg to 30mg, for about 4 weeks, with no anti-e's. Hell I didn't even know what Nolvadex was!! I ended up getting a small lump under each nipple that is still there to this day. MMEEEEEMMORRIES! (or should I say MMMAAAAMMMMAARRIES!LOL!)
I hope your joking about the ass thing! :laugh:

I dropped a dumbell on my finger once and that kind of sucked for a while.....
using monoject 20 g from a farm feed store. It worked but damn, they are shitty pinz.
The other would have been my first home brew tren had about 7-8 %ba and I site injected both bi's. I couldn't straighten my arms for days.
brew said:
using monoject 20 g from a farm feed store. It worked but damn, they are shitty pinz.
The other would have been my first home brew tren had about 7-8 %ba and I site injected both bi's. I couldn't straighten my arms for days.

DAMN, the torture you put yourself through!! LMAO!
i did a thigh injection and i couldnt walk for days, come to find out i didnt go deep enough in the area so it was like 1/2 inch or less on the surface muscle, and test prop of all things...holy shit it hurt!

also, id drank tren inbstead of injecting it since i was afraid of tren cough and i got a stomach flu and puked at work it smelled like tren in the office for hours..lmao..strider was there, he laughed too and just said "moooooo" mother fucker, but it was funny.
Hmmm, i would say i ran a sust, deca cycle and used 20 gauge pinz for the entire cycle. That didnt feel to pleasant.
WAY too low of calories for my first couple cycles... and then wondered why my gains were so low...LOL...

then the one i am even more embarrassed about... i didn't have enough pins and i re-used pins.... that is just plain dumb, newbie or not i still can't believe i did something that dumb...

Dim Mouse said:
WAY too low of calories for my first couple cycles... and then wondered why my gains were so low...LOL...


I feel you on this one. Two cycles and that shitty all oral cycle down the drain.
about 15 years ago I did an Anadrol only cycle... I took 50mgs worth of A Bombs for 30 days and gained about 20 pounds of water - then walked into the bathroom at the end of the month and took one really long piss and lost about 15 pounds

(I still have some small lumps under my nipples from that as well)
this is a good learning experience, i wonder if any newbies ever had an abcess or anything? also any newbies ever mix or cycle stuff that was not meant to go together?
this a good learning experience...