

New member
hi guys,
im 18 and im 5'6 and i would like to know what you would recommend for just big bulking?but
also for upping muscle mass!!
eat a lot of food, and train hard. I don't recommend anyone your age take any kind of PEDS at all! Way too young, you have years to grow naturally!
Welcome bro!! How much do you weigh? I definitely 2nd what Presser, eat, and then eat some more!
your natural test lvls at your age are pretty high and should give you substantial growth as long as you eat enough to fuel it. You are way to young to consider any aas.
Protein shakes after workout and before bed and lots of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Cycle some creatine

Wait until your atleast 21 before doing any aas not because your not responsible to use it but because your body has so much natural growth even if you dont believe that and are impatient i promise just the hard work will pay off

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And we can share info and you researching is great

And welcome to MC
That's the first thing young guys ask me what are you taking and I tell them A hell of alot of fish beef and chicken.... For me not really beacuse I'M old I like good ole JUICE to keep test levels like I am 16 again but for the young guys that's really what they need wholesome food lot's of it. Also welcome to MC lots of good guys here that wil help you in anyway they can
Yeah don't fuck your natural testosterone up yet. Learn how to eat. Learn how to cook. When you can eat 4,000 calories a day without gaining fat you have figured out how to eat. Find a couple of good protein powders (one fast/medium and one slow absorbing) and a good preworkout. Buy yourself a 50lb bag of maltodextrin. Make your own weight gainers. Or just buy oatmeal and grind it up and add it to protein. Learn how to eat properly. You can't grow if you don't eat properly no matter how much gear you are on. You think all you need to do is pop some pills or inject some oil? That's the easy part. Food costs, gym fees, blood tests, pins, anti aromatase, anti progesterone, anti estrogens, estrogen blockers, dhts, liver aids, blood pressure aids, hair care, serms, pcts then more blood tests. Talk with your family doctor before doing anything make sure you are healthy. If you don't like or want to use your family doctor go find your own doctor. You don't want to end up like that guy aziz shavershian who died of a heart attack sweating in a sauna because he had an undiagnosed heart condition. Steroids may or may not have contributed to his death the point is he had a heart condition and didn't know it.

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the first thing i thought of was EAT..but u guys beat me to it..nuff said then..u will grow like a weed if u just 14 years old son has his little six pack going on(bastard)
he eats more than me in one sitting..
i think when he can bench more than me its time to move out..

any how of topic (bloody kids) eat eat eat eat :chicken::chicken::chicken:
Thanks very much for the advice guys I'll take it on board!ehm I weigh 165 lbs!was wondering if any of you guys could give me a good gym plan to get massive and not stunt my growth!
You have to give us previous lifting experience or at least the sports you've played in high school or something. Like I said before start with a full body compound routine maybe like 2-3 exercises per pair body parts 6-12 total. Don't do any cardio whatsoever for the first 3-6 months. Or make yourself a split plan. The idea for doing all compound movements is to naturally increase your testosterone and to bulk not sculpt. What supplements have you taken so far? Legal or illegal. Honestly I question whether you are even 18 cause with so much information nowadays usually people are more educated or can find a ton of the basic information with a simple search.
You have to give us previous lifting experience or at least the sports you've played in high school or something. Like I said before start with a full body compound routine maybe like 2-3 exercises per pair body parts 6-12 total. Don't do any cardio whatsoever for the first 3-6 months. Or make yourself a split plan. The idea for doing all compound movements is to naturally increase your testosterone and to bulk not sculpt. What supplements have you taken so far? Legal or illegal. Honestly I question whether you are even 18 cause with so much information nowadays usually people are more educated or can find a ton of the basic information with a simple search.

Ray I still crack up every time I read a serious post from you and then see Rodney Dangerfield posing in your avatar...

Kid if I were you I would listen to every member who responded to your post. They are very experienced with all aspects of AAS and you are very lucky to have a board where people help by sharing very valuable information. Im an old bastard and I have been in the game off and on for 30 years and it amazes me on how much you can learn from these folks. Good luck and welcome to MC..
Thanks very much!yes I am 18 I play rugby at a high level and am in the gym 4 mornings a week for compulsory sessions I'm relatively experienced in the gym to give you an idea I squat 110kg I dead lift 120kg I clean 70kg and I bench 60/70kg?!?thanks very much for the advice guys!
well to me its looks like you are doing fine...look in to a split routine and nail your food intake and with them stats u will see results..a 110kg squat is a very good base to start lets just hope that ass to the grass..not the 1 inch squat that the youngster do im my gym..
good luck and welcome to MC the best no bull shit site on the web.
Oh yes I forgot to mention before the only supps iv taken are protein and creatine!!anything else you would suggest?