News, I just couldn't keep to myself any longer...


New member
Gold Member
as some of you know I've been married for a few years now, just bought a house in August and the wife and I have been trying to have a baby... Well I'll say it here first, as I just can't contain myself anymore, she's pregnant! She's only a week late but took the test a few days after she missed and it was positive, she's going to the Doc this Friday to confirm everything is OK.

I couldn't be happier or more nervous at the same time, house is under renovations by a great contractor, ME and I'm learning as I'm going and trying not to break too many things! Now the time table gets pushed up on everything to get the house in order over the next 9 months.

We still haven't told anyone yet but I wanted to share it with you guys because you're all like family to me. Well not all of you but most of you!

I know some of you probably figured it out (Gbart, lol) because I said I wasn't going back on until the deed was done and my recent next cycle post gave that away as well as my "How many Dads do we have here post" lol

So as you can imagine I have a lot of things to be excited about, expecting a baby for the first time and getting to go back on for the first time in 3 years as well as being able to get the house, including my gym downstairs back in order as soon as possible.

It's going to be a crazy ride and I wanted to share it with you guys. Thanks for all the advice and support all this time and for what's to come.
congratulations brother sorry i just put the puzzle together lol im just too smart for you :) im so happy for you and your wife bro i know how long you guys have been trying. Wish you the best and hope the doctor turns out great results.
ohh and mike your welcome for me helping out LOL just name it IPjunior and thats all the thanks i ask for
thanks guys, can't wait for her to get to the Doc on Friday so we can have official confirmation from a medical professional and not from a stick you pee on that comes in a cardboard box.
Mike, she is the one who is supposed to pee on the stick. Let us know what
Doc says. Fingers crossed bro.
OK it's confirmed, the Doc took some tests and sent her out to get bloodwork done! Whew!!! It still hasn't really hit me because I haven't been able to tell anyone yet but we'll tell her parents tomorrow and I'm calling my brother now and letting him now. I'm going to be a Dad!
Now I'll say it - Congratulations!! My daughters are 12 and 9. When my wife was
just about ready to have my first we both wanted to take it back. The reality
scared the shit out of us. When we brought her home from the hospital we both
were staring at her and I said,"Are they stupid sending her home w/us - we dont
know what the hell we are doing!!" It's a wild ride bro. and there is no explaining
it - enjoy!!