next cycle idea's


New member
hey guys, this will be my 6th cycle, and im having some problems deciding on a few things...what does everyone here think bout the two ive layed out, theres only minor differences between them...MM

cycle #1
sustanon 250mg eod (1-16)
primo 500mg (1-16)
fina 75mg ed (9-19)
anavar 50mg ed (9-19)
growth 6iu ed (1-24)
slin (havent decided dose yet)
adex 1mg ed (1-19)
proviron 50mg ed (1-19)
hcg 500 iu ed (9-10) (18-19)

post cycle: clen, nolva, clomid

cycle #2
sustanon 250mg eod (1-16)
primo 500mg (1-16)
masteron 100mg eod (9-19)
anavar 40mg ed (9-19)
growth 9iu ed (1-24)
slin (havent decided dose yet)
adex 1mg ed (1-19)
proviron 50mg ed (1-19)
hcg 500 iu ed (9-10) (18-19)

post cycle: clen, nolva, clomid
hum...well, in the second cycle why are you upping your HG to 9 iu's? Have you used Growth in past and not responded well at lower dosages?
reason im doing it is the fina is hard on my body, and usually over 6iu ed my hands start hurting. i dont want to feel like shit from growth and fina, one thing is enough for me bro...i used growth on my last 2 cycles. at 6 iu then at 9 hands hurt so bad i could barley even grip the free weights, and the fina made me feel like shit all day..i just dont want to overdue it this time....MM
Madmax said:
reason im doing it is the fina is hard on my body, and usually over 6iu ed my hands start hurting. i dont want to feel like shit from growth and fina, one thing is enough for me bro...i used growth on my last 2 cycles. at 6 iu then at 9 hands hurt so bad i could barley even grip the free weights, and the fina made me feel like shit all day..i just dont want to overdue it this time....MM

Yeah I hear you about the hands hurting, thats why I asked, I was going to recommend sticking to 6iu's, seems like a good dose.
Bro Doesn't it really take that much juice to make you grow? You can't grow on a Gram of Test and some Fina? Seems much more simple and inexpensive. But I always try to go simple.
rugbythug said:
Bro Doesn't it really take that much juice to make you grow? You can't grow on a Gram of Test and some Fina? Seems much more simple and inexpensive. But I always try to go simple.

bro, i dont see whats to much with my cycle, var is at the end and so is the masteron, the sust and primo are going to be the only thing that im going to run for the first 9 weeks or so, and im only running the four concurrent for 6 weeks, so i dont think im going over board, just curious to why you think its not a simple cycle. most people that run more than 5 cycles usually dont stick with just a test and fina cycle or just stick to 2 items during a cycle, atleast not many of the people ive met from other boards...

something else i just thought of you think ron coleman, gunther or any profesional bodybuilder just takes 1g of test and 400mg of fina a week to get to where they are at? im not saying this much gear will make me as big as them, but it will definatly get me to where i want to be, which is 230 or 235 @ 8-9%. i just dont think running a "simple cycle" will get me to where i want to be. thats the reason im running my cycle the way i laid it out bro...MM
Just because something is more exotic does not mean it is more effective. I don't know what they run. I am sure there is some different exotics precontest.

During the bulking phase though IMO that is when you use your staples.
Deca-or EQ
GH-If you go that route-I don't not because of money but purely because of saftey issues-I have cancer in my family history.

Since it has been proven that growth is dose dependant with test- Do you think you could get the same growth by increasing your test dose and dropping var and primo? Personally I have never used either. My 6th cycle will be just deca and test. I am going to take some months off-Let everything get back to homeostasis and try and start lower dose again.

Why so much Arimidex? IMO you should use .5 ED or EOD. However you know yourbody better then I do so use what you feel is best, I just think it might be overkill.

Also I HIGHLY recommend using HCG every Sat. and Sun. until 1 week out from PCT. Your dosage should be as you mentioned 500iu's each day. You will be very happy w/ your recovery I promise!!

Good Luck
Junkyard Dog said:
You don't need that much HCG 500 per week is more than enough.

One 5000 amp lasts me an entire cycle.

bro, everyones body is different, ive tryed the 500 iu every sat and sun throughout my cycle before, it was apples and oranges compared to my last cycle when i ran it like i am above. at 500 iu per week i dont notice any difference. i know what works for me bro, like i said everyone is different, im running alot of gear on this cycle, if i want to recover fully and keep a little more of my gains this is how i have to run it...ive seen alot of people run their hcg like the way i am above.....MM
Madmax said:
bro, everyones body is different, ive tryed the 500 iu every sat and sun throughout my cycle before, it was apples and oranges compared to my last cycle when i ran it like i am above. at 500 iu per week i dont notice any difference. i know what works for me bro, like i said everyone is different, im running alot of gear on this cycle, if i want to recover fully and keep a little more of my gains this is how i have to run it...ive seen alot of people run their hcg like the way i am above.....MM
Sorry, didn;t mean to offend you. Just offering suggestions.

I guess I should have stated that all _I_ need is what I indicated.