next cycle

might not wanna use prop, just cause its EOD shots and eq isn't.

that means shooting prop solo alot, which usually makes it more painful.
I used enth and eq for my last cycle and put on some good size with it. What dosages are you going to run with your eq and test, if you run it. I also think the dbol is a good idea to help kick-start gains in the beginning of the cycle. I am hoping mine comes in this weekend and I will be running it with my next cycle.
figure run 400eq and realy havnt decided on a test. my fav is sus but ive tried every thing exept cyp. prop made me strong as hell, but look wise low doses of sus seem to work well.
LMAO...that looks alright bud. I started mine at 400 mg as well but bumped it to 600 within the first week. I loved it. Might think about bumping up the eq dose a little IMO. But it looks like a good cycle other than that. What are you doing for PCT?
I love eq and test! Honestly though in my experience, you need to run the eq at 600 mgs/wk for optimal results. And you will get results that last. Less than 600, always seemed that it was just starting to show good results when the cycle is almost over. That's me though. I'm a big fan of propionate as well and don't mind the eod jabs. A few yrs ago prop was rather painful to inject, but most labs today use a different oil and the jabs feel fine. I like prop because you start feeling the shorter esters very quickly vs. enan or cyp which take a while to get your levels up. And yeah, a d-bol kick start never hurt anyone, but with prop, I don't think the need is there. Just my two cents bro.
d-bol is a good choice, but if i were you i'd look up ORAL TURNIBOL for you pre oral.... its good stuff. and like Spidermann said test eth kicks ass
hector said:
and drew quite being a puse. lol
actually, prop doesnt bug me. its everyone else on here that complains about it.

but i still hate pinning in general.
Test e or prop would go excellently with eq. Turinabol would be much better than dbol.