no handed pushups


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Was wondering what the world record for no handed pushups is. Malic's
post on the one armed handstand pushups got me wondering. I have done
14 myself - my wife was holding out on me and sleeping on my stomach
I awoke to realize I was doing no handed pushups. I did 14 to failure,
changed the sheets and went to work. I think that might be a record.
I was worried about Irishpride but I think 1 and 1/2 would bring him
to "failure". What about you guys??
Nah, he could make it to @ least 2...but that's about it. but please, please, please, show me a video!!!
I've been practicing doing them with a midget on my back, only made it to five but i think without the midget I can do at least 10 or 11
i could only get to 1 and a half becuase you wont stop crying when i am doing them, its "ohhh please stop it hurts blah blah blah" LOL your the worst lifting partner i ever had
Irish - you are one funny F--K!! And about the Midget - What's she look like??
(I always kinda wondered - mmmmm)
Malic said:
ik a midget that wants to get up with me , shes not as bad as a midget shes like one of the taller midgets , n so her bodys not as weird lookin lol , she has a pretty nice ass

any ummmm advice?
bang her it will make your little pepe look bigger
lmao @ Irish....Malic she'll probably think you are hung like a porn star if she's used to doing it with only midgets...knock it out brutha.
Malic said:
ik a midget that wants to get up with me , shes not as bad as a midget shes like one of the taller midgets , n so her bodys not as weird lookin lol , she has a pretty nice ass

any ummmm advice?

How small are we talking here? 3'4" ... 4'4"?
Malic said:
yes my penis is 4'4" which good for you PJT for thinkin its small , mr king kong , but ...... ill hold my dick pics back , that would hurt you guys feelins too much.

n for your info im already a pornstar :) i just cant publish my movies yet

Dude?? I was talking about the midget, not your penis! I could care less about that...