God calls us to be seperated and to treat the body as the temple of Christ. Your decsision is correct and hopefull all other areas of your life are clean as well. I respect what you are doing and wish I had the courage to take that big step and put God first. Its not any easy road and it will only get tougher so may God be with you as you move with him.

God bless
wow. best of luck to you bro. i hope you to see you around the board now and then even though you are walking away from it all. again, good luck on your new endeavor.
You're not going away right? Just not going to use AAS. As you can see, everybody would like to have you're input and friendship, doesn't matter if you use the juice or not, we all respect your decision, same as with Madchemist. Whatever course you take, my best to you.
You guys are all good people

I appreciate the kind and most of all understanding words from you all. I guess my decision has been based on a lot of things. I have always believed in God and Jesus Christ etc, etc. But i never really sat back and took it all in.
The Bible says that your body is a temple and God made us all the way we were for a reason (in my case Anything that controls your life and takes away from your relationship with God is a sin...drinking..gambling..AAS... things of that sort. Don't get me wrong..drinking or gambling in itself is not a sin. It only becomes one when you get drunk or are a habitual gambler...and you and I both know how AAS can control your life, making you vain and looking down upon others. I don't want to get all Biblical on everyone but I found myself praying to God everytime I injected telling him i wouldn't do it again. And I knew I was lying and so did he. The Bible says that only the prayers of a "righteous"(meaning honest, truely meaning what your are praying for) man will be heard. I prayed ,then i intentinally went against my prayer and commited the same sin over and over....God doesn't want to hear that shit:eek: . Each person has the choice of free will..which god gave all of us. What we do with it is up to us. I am glad you respect my decision I know it will be the best for me. I urge you all to make up your own minds, to look inside of yourself and see if you are leading the life you want to have. Please don't think i am trying to steer anyone towards God or Christianity( OK maybe a little :D ) you guys are all great people and I wouldn't be a good christian boy if I didn't try a oh yeah.. I will still be around to offer some advice and wisecracks.......456
dedprez* said:
good luck bro....i hope u still come around the board and put your .2 cents in.......also...not to talk you guys out of this but.... how is this against God??just becuz it is illegal??i guess i am no expert on the bible but i really dont know where it says "thou shalt not get big" ...sorry :) ...i had to...anyways ...i think that u guys get my point and i appreciate your feedback.

It doesn't have anything to do with the legality of it. God doesn't recognize the laws that man has made for each other. It has to do with looking to God for help when your down and then kicking him in the face when things are going good and putting your faith on the back burner till they get bad again. This is what i was doing...and i am ashamed of myself for it.
One thing that really got me was I read a book called "Left Behind" It takes place during/after the Rapture and tells of the plight of the world. Its pretty scary stuff..just woke me up I guess....I looked at both sides of the coin and thought" What possibley do I have to lose?" We are all going to have eternal life...just where you reside, will be up to you.....:) 456
That is some heavy food for thought. I am happy for you bro. You sound like you know where you want to be and are headed there.
Best of luck
I am moved by your replies 456, it takes a very strong,spiritual and focused man to give up steroids for the reasons that you listed. good luck on your new path, sounds to me that you won't have a hard time finding fulfillment.
The way I look at it is.... How could popeye be popeye without his spinach? If spinach was illegal there would be no popeye!! J/K Do your thing. If it helps you sleep better at night then it is probably worth it. And if it helps clear your mind than it is probably worth it. Good luck. Keep hitting it though... Do want to be Mr. Deflato......
being spiritual myslef

He has brouhgt up some good pts but You talked about the drinking and gambling that its not a sin unless you over induldge correct> that pt is an interprtation! Most baptist wont drink or gamble. also if society made it illegal then its a sin! this one i struggle with alot..
If you dont know i prayed every day at the GYM on the equipment before a workout getting ready for the jr natuionals and usa's. i put my diet and training in his hands let him guide me! i too struggle with the AS but we are human and we will sin alsways! goal is to be christ like but as humans we cant be just like him! some can get close but most barely get half way there!
Re: being spiritual myslef

dpsquat said:
He has brouhgt up some good pts but You talked about the drinking and gambling that its not a sin unless you over induldge correct> that pt is an interprtation! Most baptist wont drink or gamble. also if society made it illegal then its a sin! this one i struggle with alot..
If you dont know i prayed every day at the GYM on the equipment before a workout getting ready for the jr natuionals and usa's. i put my diet and training in his hands let him guide me! i too struggle with the AS but we are human and we will sin alsways! goal is to be christ like but as humans we cant be just like him! some can get close but most barely get half way there!

You make some good points but the legality of it does not make it a sin. It is illegal to preach in the workplace but i assure you that it is not a sin. As for Baptists and there beliefs...well interpretation of the bible usually determines your denomination....but it is based on Christianity. And yes..we all do and all will continue to sin...BUT...doing it knowing, willingly and repeatedly and then asking for forgiveness does not fly. Especially when you know full well your going to do it again. It has taken me 30years to come to this conclusion and I can tell you that if I were younger i would probably be laughing at this post......peace out bro's...........456
i'm glad to hear it man ... i gave up AS as well ... i just decided it isn't something i need to be doing. I've always known it's wrong, but that's not the reason i quit. I just decided for myself that it's not something that's beneficial to my life, and i need to be more concerned about my health, especially later on in life.
this has been a very good thread, along with it being very beneificial and educational for me as well, I do respect your decision bro, and I hope u will be happy with it...I understand what u are going through, and u have some very good points, willingly sin sucks.....messing up, that is where u can ask for forgivness, but u are right when u say we do it willingly that does not fly your doesn't....I was a christian home and still living there....I know it pretty well, but it's just a decision we have to make in life....I think god wants us to be the best we can, and I love God with all of my heart, even before AS....I didn't and still don't live a perfect life, I know I should but I don''s very hard to..out there in the world, however....things will get better..because I still pray to god 3-4 times a day..and hope everything will be ok....we should all strive to be christ like but it's very hard.....