I am 45 years old. 5'9 with, and I have been told, good genetics i.e broad shoulders, slim waist and thick well defined calves. When I said clean diet I meant that I only eat for fuel not palate and never drink alcohol. Breakfast is one piece of whole grain toast, four egg whites, four turkey rashers and some guacamole. Mid morning, instant whey shake plus a handful of hazelnuts, lunch, two small tins of tuna with veg (brightly coloured) and brown rice, mid afternoon, shake plus green apple, pre training shake with glutamine and BCAA's, post workout shake with BCAA's and maltodextrin, evening meal, 2 chicken breasts plus veg then just before bed I have a tub of cottage cheese. I have been doing cardio daily and using a Fitbit to keep my BPM in the fat burning zone but finishing with some sprint training to roll the fat burning on. I drink 8 litres of water daily. I'm following a plan called big beyond belief and I have my PCT ready already, clomid, tamoxifen and HCG1500 all pharmaceutical grade (My best pal is a pharmacist). Any advice on diet would be appreciated plus what steroid to use. I have tried quite a number over the years but not with great success although I put in 100% effort. I got good gains with Sustanon 250 and Deca but didn't like the puffy look. Stripped down with Trenbolone and Winstrol when I had finished bulking and I think I looked ok but my contact had me doing 2400mg a week. I don't want to go down the same path, I don't want to reach 18st 6 again I want to build a little bigger than I am. Plus, without gear I'm struggling to break through a barrier of weight I'm stuck on. I hope that makes sense.