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Ed Hochuli Suspended 5 Games for HGH Use

First Shawne Merriman. Then Rodney Harrision and Wade Wilson.

Now this.

According to the Daily News, the NFL has suspended veteran official Ed Hochuli five gives for using HGH, a sustance the league has banned but cannot test for.

"If you watched Ed's game this weekend, it was pretty obvious that he's even bigger this year than he was a year ago," Commisioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. "There's no way he could have naturally added that much muscle mass at his age."

Records obtained from a pharmacy located in Florida indicate several orders for HGH were placed by an individual identified as "Ad Hoc." The mailing address on those shipments belongs to Hochuli's law firm in Phoenix.

Hochuli, 55, was not immediately available for comment. However, a spokesman for league officials said that Hochuli has been warned repeatedly that his biceps look bigger than T.O.'s in high definition.

Players representative Gene Upshaw added, "I've been receiving complaints from players for years. When a referee makes them feel inadequate by flexing in front of a national audience, the players have no choice but to use performance enhancing drugs to level the playing field."​
here's a link to the article, when you see his pic you will remember him from the game this past weekend. I remember seeing him make a call and noticing the guns on him but I assumed the guy was a former player and always big. I didn't think he was a 55 year old lawyer.
Have they proved that he was using HGH? I can't believe I am seeing what I'm seeing. They are practically saying, "Your biceps are so much bigger this year, you must be using HGH since you are so old." So now HGH makes your muscle grow like steroids?? This is so laughable it's ridiculous! Who's to say that he isn't on legitimate HGH replacement therapy?
yeah the story was ridiculous, to be honest I had to keep looking at the banner because I thought it was a joke story like, "the Onion" would print. I guess if you have HGH delivered to your office from a busted source you're guilty until proven innocent.
WTF, this is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard of recently. To say that the NFL players are being "forced" to use performance enhancing drugs becuase the referee is bigger than them...what a f**kin excuse. That's completely ridiculous. Ed is a big guy, but unless he admits it and/or they can prove it I am going to bet he will have their ass in court...that's what I'd do anyway.
The players feel inadequate compared to the refs???? Is that serious? What player has ever said that and honestly if they feel that way they really shouldnt be in the NFL.
vertigorocks said:
The players feel inadequate compared to the refs???? Is that serious? What player has ever said that and honestly if they feel that way they really shouldnt be in the NFL.

That's what made me believe that this article was a joke. Plus there is nothing on the NFL ESPN homepage about this. It has to be a joke.
keep in mind the players didn't say that idiotic quote, the spokesman said it... I thought it was a joke too but nowhere does it say it is... I'm going to do another search on him and see if anything comes up
thats bs, this country is becoming a joke with Dictator Busch at the helm
i couldn't find any other news on him but his workout and diet is posted on and it says he's run 12 marathons and has been training for years.
mikeswift said:
i couldn't find any other news on him but his workout and diet is posted on and it says he's run 12 marathons and has been training for years.

ofcourse he has, i mean we all know hgh, juice etc...u cant look like that overnite,!
I can't find anything else on this. There are a couple of other sites that have the article and quote as the source, but there is nothing else. I have found many many sites that talk about Ed, which I find amazing. So the guy has built himself up a bit. He isn't anywhere near as large as some football players, yet he has this attention on him--strange. This whole thing has to be some sort of joke.
in the bleacher report article it says, "According to the Daily News," well I ran a search on the Daily News and there is no such article or reference... the guy is a lawyer so I'm sure someone's getting sued if it's not true.