NPP and test PP cook?


can you Bree a 125mg/ml of no and a 150mg/ml of test pp in one bottle? or these concentrations too high? I'm planning on using either 100% EO or a 50/50 EO/GSO
First Im not sure I understand your question.
Please clarify what you are asking.
Im going to assume you meant NPP and TP.
Theres another thread where we have posted this, but I will help you but you should search for it and review it.
You can use either oil you chose, if you have never use EO before I highly recommend you split it up, if you have no reaction then by all means go ahead.

How many Ml's are you wanting to brew?
I mean brew together so one shot two AAS, and I seem the post but it's calling for 3% BA but you recommend .9%. So nit sure if had to use a higher BA or that was just someone's preference. I am not sure i have used EO, I had a test prop from geneza pharm and it was clear so idk if that was EO.
Ok how does this look to you guys.
NPP, 125mg EOD, 14 weeks, 60ml total, 7500mg is what i'm going to make and the brew would be
Oil 47.03ml, probably arpricot oil or mix of apricot and EO
Powder 7.5g
BA .6ml (.1%)
BB 6ml (10%)
Test Pheny Prop, 150mg EOD, 16 weeks, 60ml total, 9000mg is what i'm going to make
Oil 45.75ml probably apricot or mix of apricot and EO
Powder 9g
BA .6ml (.1%)
BB 6ml (10%)

What do you guys think? This will be my first home brew i'm following Powerguys recommendation for the 1% BA and I only put 10%BB cause I have read that short esters don't need that much BB.
Are you going to be using a syringe filter? I've brewed test pp at about 125mg/ml with 1.5% BA, and I think 15% BB. Numbers for everything look reasonable. You'll have to test to find out if they'll work or not. If it's not mixing completely than you'll need to add some more BB.
Ok how does this look to you guys.
NPP, 125mg EOD, 14 weeks, 60ml total, 7500mg is what i'm going to make and the brew would be
Oil 47.03ml, probably arpricot oil or mix of apricot and EO
Powder 7.5g
BA .6ml (.1%)
BB 6ml (10%)
Test Pheny Prop, 150mg EOD, 16 weeks, 60ml total, 9000mg is what i'm going to make
Oil 45.75ml probably apricot or mix of apricot and EO
Powder 9g
BA .6ml (.1%)
BB 6ml (10%)

What do you guys think? This will be my first home brew i'm following Powerguys recommendation for the 1% BA and I only put 10%BB cause I have read that short esters don't need that much BB.

Ok bro so heres my advice on the following. Apricot and EO will have some difficulty mixing. WARNING: some have severe issues with EO after injection. make sure you are not one of them.
Your numbers are accurate. You MUST do these recipes in a certain way to avoid crashing due to the solid ester of the raws. I wasted plenty of raws because I rushed my process, it came out looking great but crystalized and became a solid at room temp due to the over saturation of the NPP. You can find my post on it under crystals or fibers in solution in the lab forum. I used the same recipe as above, just rushed it.
You must add your BA and BB to your powder and gently heat until it become fully dissolved in the solvents before proceeding.
I'm I will probably just do the apricot oil then. I have used a clear test prop before but not sure if it was EO, had absoultely no pain. and yes I have pfte filters. I'll follow your steps powder guy ok so if it doesn't mix with the BB and BAci have just add a little BB till it fully dissolves? once you add the oil it's done or can you reheat if it crashes and add more BB?
Just go 100/100. I made tp and npp at 100mg/ml each so a total of 200mg /ml combo, no eo, at 2/20 and it was perfect no pain at inject or pip. Just smooth and was nice to use less.

If you want to add eo don't use apricot. It seems to work well with safflower or sunflower or graoeseed. I prefer fractionated coconut personally but you can do 100mg of each per ml and it should be painless. Mine was but I used tp not t pheynl prop.
I'm I will probably just do the apricot oil then. I have used a clear test prop before but not sure if it was EO, had absoultely no pain. and yes I have pfte filters. I'll follow your steps powder guy ok so if it doesn't mix with the BB and BAci have just add a little BB till it fully dissolves? once you add the oil it's done or can you reheat if it crashes and add more BB?

You are doing a mix (compound) or are you making them separate?
The powders will dissolve with the solvents even if they are 88% pure. It may take some heat and swirling but I have dissolved more powder in less. Do this until its as close to clear as it will get.

If it doesn't fully dissolve DO NOT ADD more BB. Add heated oil and continue to swirl it to dissolve, do not shake it up, just swirl it when it heated. If you have an issue with it crashing then you must dilute the solution with oil to reduce the saturation of the main component. so instead of 125mg/ml you will do 100mg/ml.
When it starts to separate out of solution is called titration.
Just go 100/100. I made tp and npp at 100mg/ml each so a total of 200mg /ml combo, no eo, at 2/20 and it was perfect no pain at inject or pip. Just smooth and was nice to use less.

If you want to add eo don't use apricot. It seems to work well with safflower or sunflower or graoeseed. I prefer fractionated coconut personally but you can do 100mg of each per ml and it should be painless. Mine was but I used tp not t pheynl prop.

I just tried this bro. I went 110/110

Oil = GSO
TP x 11g
NPP x 11g
BA 2%
BB 20%

I will keep you posted on PIP and if it crashed.
hey pork chop how did your cook go?

It went, lol
Still hasnt crashed so that makes me very happy but it does have some pip. Pain last for about 4 days and I only done 1ml.
I sent off a ml to be tested so that's the main reason I wanted to combine them. If I send a ml of Test Prop and an ml of NPP it cost twice as much. If I send a ml of of them both combined it's only $300 to have them both tested.

I want to do a Test Enan / Test Cyp next for the same reason.