NukNuk posing video 4 days out.

Massive thick chest man!!!! Back looks great too! Pose a shit ton the next couple of days and keep hardening up! Can't wait to see you on stsge
Massive thick chest man!!!! Back looks great too! Pose a shit ton the next couple of days and keep hardening up! Can't wait to see you on stsge

Thank MC's IGF for that. It used to be a weak body part.
another one from today

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I don't know what you looked like last year but You damn sure look like you got what it takes to me. Can you hit us with some leg workout video? Thanks for taking us along for the ride. First time I've seen a log and watched a guy transform. Awesome stuff. I have gained a lot of respect for this sport watching you.
Wow -- you look friggin great!

What did you look like at 282 lbs in January? That is a shit ton of weight to drop?


Like a fucking Silver Back. He was not fat at all, just massive. I'm amazed he lost so much weight. He definately didn't have a high BF %.