Numb Foot after Injection!!!!


New member
Guys, need some help!
Maybe you know.
Two weeks ago, I injected IGF1 into my left outter calf.
After the injection, I pulled out the needle and it bled a bit.

The next day, the outer side of my left foot was numb and on the injection point I have a brooz.

When I tip with mit finger on the broozed injection site, I feel a reflex-like shock down into the foot.

Anyways, the foot is still numb and I wonder what I can do.
As I said, not the entire foot just the outer left side.
I assume I must have hit a nerv.

Yeah I bet a nerve is messed up from the injection. I would think feeling should start to return in a few days, if not a professional would be the best person to talk to.
I almost did exactly the same thing this morning, on my right thigh I inserted a 22g and as it went it was a bit painful after about 1/4th, but what else is new I kept going, but then about 1/4th the side of my leg began to painfully spasm, and twitch.... I went OK that's a nerve and found another spot.
Not good to hit those nerves. Could cause some serious damage. I say keep and eye on it like C said. That's exactly why I stay away from the calves.