numbing nipple for self gyno removal

Depro medrol is given for fat spot reduction. It may work. It is also given for spot scar tissue reduction. Just a thought. I have seen one log on this very same topic.
[h=1]Treatment of lipoma by injection lipolysis[/h]
njection lipolysis or lipodissolve is the practice of injecting phosphatidyl choline/ sodium deoxycholate (PDC/DC) compounds in the subcutaneous fat. Though this practice is being used extensively for nonsurgical contouring of body and dissolving localized collections of excess fat, it's use as a treatment modality for lipomas needs further evaluation. We present a case where this technique was used for treating a lipoma, with no recurrence after 9 months of follow up. Injection lipolysis as a treatment modality for lipomas needs to be evaluated for safety and efficacy in trials on larger population. This could prove to be a very valuable adjunct to the current practice of excision, if done by a trained person in a properly selected patient. Also the side effects and the controversies regarding this procedure have been discussed in detail in the present paper.

[h=4]KEYWORDS:[/h]Deoxycholate; injection lipolysis; phophatidylcholine