nutrobal mk677 and sleep help


New member
I’m looking at using nutrobal mk677 specifically for its sleep benefits.
Came across an article about it where the person was running it every day and said that they were able to get more deeper sleep and require less sleep overall.
I’m in my late 50s and my Sleep Quality has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.
Do you think 10 milligrams a day before Bed will do the trick for me and is there any side effects I should watch for?
25mg per day is the general dose.. you may not see too much running it that low.. you can try it out and see but i would at least be at 15-20...

I’m looking at using nutrobal mk677 specifically for its sleep benefits.
Came across an article about it where the person was running it every day and said that they were able to get more deeper sleep and require less sleep overall.
I’m in my late 50s and my Sleep Quality has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.
Do you think 10 milligrams a day before Ben will do the trick for me and is there any side effects I should watch for?
if for sleep even 5mgs before bed will do imo
no need 10mgs
add 2 caps nutrozol 677 too
make sure you're getting a lot of clean carbs otherwise you'll have some side effects
it gives me crazy appetite increases so you'll wake up in the middle of the night wanting to eat
Bros using that solo is fine but if you just want to use it for sleep you won't get the benefits