ok look not trying to ruffle any feathers but what is asprin for headaches how does it help with them A headache is blood constricting in your head what asprin does is thin your blood so that it well release and flow through your veins easily thisin turn help aid in an ECA stack by thinning your blood so that it runs through your system faster the reason ppl get bleeds is because of the does is so harsh so here is how you get to use asprin in your stack even if you do get bleeds USE CHILDRENS CHEWABLE ASPRIN an adult is like 750mg a CCA is 81mg is you take two you will get just enough to thin your blood and not get any stomach problems

the most simple ECA is
GNC ephadra 250mgs per (2 tabs)
Food Lion Stay Awake 200mgs per
Childrens chewable asprin 81mgs per (orange flavor MMMmm)
All very true. I still don't like it. And I have tried baby aspirins. Maybe I'm allergic to it. Lots of people are.

Since I have had no extra benefit in aiding the EC stack for fat loss, why should I bother with it?
sorry Bro didn't mean any harm just that most ppl don't think about getting CCA I can always tell a diffrence when I don't use it
didn't mean to come off like a jerk
shiko24 said:
didn't mean to come off like a jerk

No worries... I didn't take it as such. I always appreciate everyone opinions, thats why I'm on this board. I just gave you mine.

So you didn't sound like a jerk, we were just discussing the matter and that's what forum are for.

Later bro!
does anyone know where to get some good yohimbine only tabs? i've tried the NYC stack and really liked it, but i actually prefer the regular ephedrine to the nor-ephedrine. personally i think a EYC stack would be fantastic.
Their are probably a hundred different types of these product on the market now, each with one or two different ingredients. All work relatively well and are effective versus the side effects.

Yet, they end up being like a woman, you really have to try several out and find out which one is right for you.

The good thing is that they do work well.

Good Luck
actually I think I perfer NYC, because it makes me have a lot of energy, but I don't feel jittery. I think the results are about the same.

I usually go with ECA because they are so much cheaper.
can someone tell me if yca is any good for fat loss


in replacement of ECA
RF426 said:
norephedrine, yohimbe, caffeine

ok got a question I know ephedra is not for sale anymore....
but is the NYC stack with norephedrine still legally for sale in NY ??? might give it a try.. I still have stackers with ephedra and just got ephedra 25mg with gustafassen SP???? which is like cough medecine which I can do without
try MC advanced supplements i believe its there bro. you can pm presser and ask he might know.
johnnyboy845 said:
ok got a question I know ephedra is not for sale anymore....
but is the NYC stack with norephedrine still legally for sale in NY ??? might give it a try.. I still have stackers with ephedra and just got ephedra 25mg with gustafassen SP???? which is like cough medecine which I can do without
First you can still buy ephedrine. This is only one place You can find others if research.
I get good results from both but I lose more weight with NYC,I am using AF store NYC now but preferred Syntrax's old Adipokinetix formula.That stuff was amazing for both fat loss and energy..if it was still around I would be buying it by the case..if only i had known back then it wasnt going to be available..

hi bros id like to know clen cycling n wht time in a day it should be taken .thanks guys
for the clen cycling you would want to end taking the clen around 4-5PM. You would want to cycle is 2 weeks on/off for the most part. You can play around with the time on/off but i would suggest giving 1 wk minimum off to let the receptors readjust. also pyrimad up and back down so that your body doesnt crash from a sudden drop in taking it.
Personalyy though i had better resultz with the ephdrine sulfate , grapeseed extract, caffeine, and aspirin than Clen.