O.J. Simpson brutally beaten in prison


MuscleChemistry Guru
O.J. Simpson's been an afterthought since he went to prison, but a report today that he was brutally beaten by skinheads in his prison cell has him back in the media spotlight.

The National Enquirer, which gained noticeable sports cred when they broke the Tiger Woods scandal, reports that Simpson was "beaten unconscious in a brutal prison yard attack" and is now so messed-up mentally that he can't leave his cell.

"Unfortunately for O.J., a group of young skinhead punks were within earshot - and they were enraged," Bruce Fromong, a former business partner of Simpson's told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's report indicates that Simpson decided to "brag about his sexual conquests of beautiful white women" and that didn't sit to well with a group of "white supremacists."

Simpson, now 63-years-old is apparently "afraid to venture out of his cell" following the reported attack.

Unfortunately, Simpson is probably a long shot to garner much sympathy for his situation, which says a lot about what he did to end up in the Nevada Correctional Center.
karma is inevitable...even if it takes decades. He's lucky they didn't kill him.
Fuck him, karma is a bitch and I'm sure this probably isn't the only time this will happen. I'd like to think he will be someone's bitch before too long
well, i'm definitely not for beating a individual because of who he's dating or married too....my stepdad is black and love him and my mom alot, but he was a controlling and voilent P.O.S. and i agree that it's Karma coming back to him......at some point he needs to humble himself....things could be alot worse.....like permanently losing the relationship between him and his kids
well, i'm definitely not for beating a individual because of who he's dating or married too....my stepdad is black and love him and my mom alot, but he was a controlling and voilent P.O.S. and i agree that it's Karma coming back to him......at some point he needs to humble himself....things could be alot worse.....like permanently losing the relationship between him and his kids

Gotta think who did it to him, scumbag skinheads. They have no respect for anyone no matter what or who they are if they're not white, they don't care and they probably don't care about all whites either. I mean it's a shame that he got beaten for the reason he did, but they aren't upstanding citizens so there's no rhyme or reason to what they're likely to do.
What a dubmshit. You go to prison, you play by different rules.

But really, fuck who did it. It doesn't matter. It merely represents what a colossal failure of the US correctional system is and the so-called claim to rehabilitate someone by throwing them in a hole for X amount of years without structured cognitive therapy and skills training. Some people are simply beyond help, but that's the minority.

Been there, done that. Thanks to well-organized rehab programs/training funded by (sorry) tax dollars, this otherwise piece of shit citizen learned how to live a responsible life, becoming a functional contributor to society rather than a drain. Of course this "treatment" approach was in a different state. Had I been incarcerated here in Cali I'd be fucking toast. Here they throw you among the wolves even as a juvenile. Hence, just to survive, one must chose to play the game or be a victim of it.

We must address the criminal justice system paradigm. It's a fucking horrendous tragedy. Especially when you consider the fact that the vast majority of inmates were raised among either extreme abuse, poverty, drug abuse, or all of the above (the typical case). Treatment usually = rehabilitation and studies have demonstrated this time and time again.*
*Sex offenders and most sociopaths appear to be the exception but they are the minority and plus, who gives a fuck about them anyway?

OK—I've completed my rant. Sorry lol. I've just been through all that and I know from experience that's there's more than meets the eye when you watch "Lock Up" on CNBC or whatever. Unlike their framing of the issue, most these guys want to do good but have no fucking clue how to break the cognitive cycle of "criminal thinking." Fucked up as it is, speaking purely to character, I've met some of the best people in lock-up.
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if there wasn't so much money to be made with both private and govt correctional facilities none of this would even matter.....
if there wasn't so much money to be made with both private and govt correctional facilities none of this would even matter.....

Not sure what you mean here. While the economy benefits slightly, and thousands of people stand to maintain jobs as correctional officers, the entire system is a massive financial drain not just on a macroeconomic level, but micro (from state to state) as well. Financially, the US prison system does so much more harm than good, it's not even worth talking about.

Still, it's all a big facade. The system, to many, appears humanist (much more so than it really is) and people go along pretending that all is well. Hell we lock up the mentally insane rather than putting them in hospitals. (Today, for the insane, euthanasia would be more humanist than locking up in the "whole.")

I love the death penalty and wish we'd lower the requirements to employ it. I do wish we took a different approach to "general pop" though. Making license plates doesn't teach much of anyone a skill they can use to find gainful employment.

Fuck I'm ranting again! Damn U Irish. Go bitch about your fucking Packers lol
my county (Rock) actually makes quite a bit to jail inmates from cook county (chicago) overflow....they also have a prisoner relocation program they get paid for housing those inmates and letting them re establish here.....the problem is the crime rate in the county continually has gone up as a result....there is almost no rehabiliting most of these guys....

i might sound scattered with my thoughts here because i'm also debating in support of Gov Walker's bill......

bitch about the Packers? why.....they won the superbowl!!!
Not sure what you mean here. While the economy benefits slightly, and thousands of people stand to maintain jobs as correctional officers, the entire system is a massive financial drain not just on a macroeconomic level, but micro (from state to state) as well. Financially, the US prison system does so much more harm than good, it's not even worth talking about.

Still, it's all a big facade. The system, to many, appears humanist (much more so than it really is) and people go along pretending that all is well. Hell we lock up the mentally insane rather than putting them in hospitals. (Today, for the insane, euthanasia would be more humanist than locking up in the "whole.")

I love the death penalty and wish we'd lower the requirements to employ it. I do wish we took a different approach to "general pop" though. Making license plates doesn't teach much of anyone a skill they can use to find gainful employment.

Fuck I'm ranting again! Damn U Irish. Go bitch about your fucking Packers lol

agreed to an extent
Even if u have skills you cant get a job right now, and if they could get all the illegals out of the jails and deport them instead, that would be a step in the right direction, but likely not to happen anytime soon just as well as illegals doing "the jobs no one else will do" which is bullshit, u have farmers that want pity for themselves, at the same time screwing everyone except themselves by paying ppl who shouldnt be here 5 dollars a day.
my county (Rock) actually makes quite a bit to jail inmates from cook county (chicago) overflow....they also have a prisoner relocation program they get paid for housing those inmates and letting them re establish here.....the problem is the crime rate in the county continually has gone up as a result....there is almost no rehabiliting most of these guys....

i might sound scattered with my thoughts here because i'm also debating in support of Gov Walker's bill......

bitch about the Packers? why.....they won the superbowl!!!

I think you mistake my primary claim: the current rehabilitation paradigm is shit. As it stands, the system operates as if rehabilitation = time served, which, in my contention, is not correct. This, I believe, is why your county's crime rate is skyrocketing. The people coming out have not addressed their criminality cognitively by successfully completing behavior programs, treatment, etc. Instead, they adopt a survival disposition and come out—usually—worst off than before and hold additional resentment.

Screw your goddam Packers A-HOLE! Especially your very talented coach and QB lol

agreed to an extent
Even if u have skills you cant get a job right now, and if they could get all the illegals out of the jails and deport them instead, that would be a step in the right direction, but likely not to happen anytime soon just as well as illegals doing "the jobs no one else will do" which is bullshit, u have farmers that want pity for themselves, at the same time screwing everyone except themselves by paying ppl who shouldnt be here 5 dollars a day.

Agreed, our points are not mutually exclusive in any way shape or form.
The Bureau of Prisons is the biggest thieves out there. They are given a grant and if they don't use it then it gets reduced the next fiscal year. So what do they do? They buy stupid shit that doesn't help the inmates whatsoever. They blow it on dumb shit just to waste the money so that they can get more grant money the next year. They do the exact thing that a lot of blue collared individuals get locked up for, money laundering. It's just another gov't ass rape on the American public. We're locking up people at record rates and most aren't a communal threat. I think the gov't should have a strong hand thrown down on them because those are a lot of the assholes that deserve to be locked up. I'd like to say that if they went through what some other blue collar criminals go through they'd try to correct or expose this flaw, but once they are released, they don't give a shit about the inmates or how shitty things are.
The Bureau of Prisons is the biggest thieves out there. They are given a grant and if they don't use it then it gets reduced the next fiscal year. So what do they do? They buy stupid shit that doesn't help the inmates whatsoever. They blow it on dumb shit just to waste the money so that they can get more grant money the next year. They do the exact thing that a lot of blue collared individuals get locked up for, money laundering. It's just another gov't ass rape on the American public. We're locking up people at record rates and most aren't a communal threat. I think the gov't should have a strong hand thrown down on them because those are a lot of the assholes that deserve to be locked up. I'd like to say that if they went through what some other blue collar criminals go through they'd try to correct or expose this flaw, but once they are released, they don't give a shit about the inmates or how shitty things are.

Wow that really sums up College's too, very odd, especially in a country that boasts education so much. I dont know about every college but def proof with the local community one......
Wow that really sums up College's too, very odd, especially in a country that boasts education so much. I dont know about every college but def proof with the local community one......

i agree.....education is good, but it's a huge ripoff for what you get.....it's one of the countries biggest money makers too (student loans)...that's why they push it so much....
i agree.....education is good, but it's a huge ripoff for what you get.....it's one of the countries biggest money makers too (student loans)...that's why they push it so much....
yup nothing better than starting off someones life that they are trying to make good for themselves with a butt load of debt off the fly (unless u have rich parents..I do not have rich parents)
It's the privatation of prisons that's so fucked up! They are now set up by people with no knowledge of the prison system and they r just there to turn a dollar! Your rehabilitation is the last thing they r thinking of! They get government money and their job is to cut as much corners as possible to maintain as much profit as humanly possible and the 23 hour lockdown is just another way to cut costs. I know SOMEONE who was in a 23 hour a day lockdown prison and it wasn't fun and when the animals were released to eat all hell always broke out, it was like fight g wasnthemonly exercise you could get in that little window of time they let u out! At least that's what someone said lol
" speaking purely to character, I've met some of the best people in lock-up.
Thought that is where you meet your 'significant other' - (sorry Nair, that
was too easy) Re. Presser's comment: EVERYTHING with our Gov. is
abot $$$$$$. Makes me sick.
Looks like it was a bogus story though.