
Cyphon said:
I like ron paul.......he's for legal pot, no IRS and basically true freedom according to the original constitution
that would take too much control away from govt. They would never let those things happen. And the powers that be would never let someone be elected who supports this.
even though I'm a Democrat I was ready to vote for Giuliani. Living in NY the entire time he was in office and seeing mayors and governors come and go he was the only one that really made a big difference and lots of changes for the better
begining to realize this is a communist country....were just made to look good for the other countries , but in reality big buisness and the govt are the control of us and the rest of us work and pay out half our paycheck in taxes for the govt and what benefeit do we get..and now the damn oil prices are going out of control and you wont see our govt control any of that cause guess who pads the pockets of the politicians...and the bush family is in the oil buisness so they get all the rewards and if we vote in Mccain i think were goin to stay just like we are ....hes being backed by bush and i think will continue to run the country the same way with no change or benefeit to the working man.....looks like at this point i just might not vote cause there all a bunch of lying POS.....