Obvious signs people are on?

Jealous much?

no its just true, pretty much everyone I know who works out, if they see someone jacked they are on shit and someone with abs is a skinny boy, just the nature of the beast Paris
yeah I was skinny when I started going out with my wife, and many people from younger than me to wayyy older said I got the best one in the hospital (of like 4000+ employees) but maybe thats why God made me get sick back to back 3 times to lose 40 pounds to reel her in lol. I hated being so small but I had abs, and im sure plenty of people were like how'd that guy get with her lol
I probably would pull more ass if I put myself out there, but I don't so I wouldn't know, but I'm skinny compared to most guys on here, but I make up for it with strength and vascularity.. That's at least how I live with myself lol