old members? Where are they?

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anybody even know what happened to stupid biotch he left witjh quite a exit. super chicken was awesome also. How about lewd tennant from FB damn that was 100 years ago.
see now some of these bro's i have heard of, some i have not! at least you guys remember them.
just looking through some old threads what ever happened to BSTRONGBWELL? And username also guy was excelent with puter info.
My all time favorite guy was Presser. He had a little knowledege but it was his humor that got me. What ever happened to him?With his "lol's" every other word. And damn, his spelling was terrible too. Good times.

J/K Press. I can't afford to be banned now for I'm in the middle of a terrible breakup and MC is my only friend.

Okay, I'm not actually "broken up" right now. I haven't agreed to NOTHING!!!
I kinda like gearedup and blackdream seeing how bd got banned atleast like 23 times lol and well we all know geared started his own board...lets see who else? Lewd was a good bro and so was SC (superchicken) damn stickler is even fun to have around!
as far as some of those guys go from my days modding they either did something to someone to get asked to leave or got banned...i wont mention names but some people know who i am talkin about
has any of them changed names and are still here? I am glad I asked about this, it seems like we started a family reunion with thise thread. I talked to one bro who said he got arrested and is now staying away from boards-thats cool bro but when courts done come back and say whats up! Its just kinda like talking to old friends you havent seen in a while, but it also lets you know who the outsiders are too, when they show up talk the talk but dont stick around to walk the walk, right? For all you guys that have been here a while Props, at least you support what you believe in.
wow, some of those names brings back some memories. What hapened to all of them. I know what happened to some as Dedprez was elluding to.
its like a family renuin,,nice, hope you guys will share anything you have learned and whats been happening as well.