Old School Supps

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillTheButcher
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Yeah, my old man grew up in Jersey City, he used to get the eggs right from a local place. That was back when Jersey was the Garden State. I do not know where Lavallette Jersey is. Must be down south. Ask Presser, I think he's from the pine barrens.
Anywho, my family still owns a beach house in Lavallette. Joe Pesci lives about a mile from us.
Lavalette is cool, my in-laws like in Bradley Beach which isn't far from there and we're down there every couple of weeks for the weekend...
Aightt. Maybe when I come up in June we can hang. They closed the Sand Piper in Bradley though.
DLStryker said:
Remember "Hot Suff"... about 10 or 12 years ago.


didn't they find traces of AAS in it and have to pull it from the shelves? I remember a couple of trainers at a gym I used to work at ran out and bought as many bottles as they could find because they were changing the formula... that had to be around 1991 - 92
mikeswift said:
didn't they find traces of AAS in it and have to pull it from the shelves? I remember a couple of trainers at a gym I used to work at ran out and bought as many bottles as they could find because they were changing the formula... that had to be around 1991 - 92

Hot Stuff was the most disgusting product that I have ever tasted.
no Cod liver Oil is the most disgusting... my Dad used to make us drink that shit when we were getting sick. YUCK!
Big A said:
Oh yes, and Cybergenics!

Oh man! I have to admit I fell for that crap when I was 17 years old and bought the whole line what a waste of money I knew nothing about diet and I ate pasta everyday thinking that it was good muscle fuel!!! If I only knew then what I know now...
Check this out, I worked in a hospital kitchen in h.s. and part of college I had stuff you never heard of along with stuff like ensure,vitrex, etc. and the price was just right!! Those were the days.