Once I Was Champion - Evan Tanner Documentary


MuscleChemistry MMA Site Representative
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I'm ashamed to say i haven't seen this yet although i am familiar with Evan's story, can't wait to watch. if anyone has the time the watch it I'd be interested to know your thoughts.
i watched 50 minutes of this, and had to stop and get my morning going lol, i watched it when i got into work this morning and forget to comment on it, lol but it was good, sad what alcohol can do to people! and don't anyone spoil it for me, i still wanna finish it up lol
such a talented fighter and good dude yet his toughest opponent was himself...


i relate to him way too much...

having said, i'll never understand how you can be puking up blood (49:50) and not be scared as fuck and wanna stop or slow down. i have a friend who died twice due to substance abuse, he's slowed down a bit but still seems to be someone who has given his life to substance abuse, the high is his only happiness (this is a successful dude btw, despite his uses he gets shit done). the weird thing is that it really seems like he's living the life he was meant to live. his habits will kill him, and i hate that, but it's who he is, and he accepts that. it's like he's cool with alcohol being the reason he dies.
well its his life, and so long as he doesn't drink and drive then its fine by me however someone wants to live and die! its when the are reckless with other peoples lives that piss me off
he's a pretty responsible dude when it comes to drinking and driving i'd say. he's someone who i connected with immediately, therefore i respect him, there is a friendship there. i don't know why he has given himself to drugs and alcohol so much. I've felt compelled to try to talk him away from that shit but there is no point. it's who he is. meth, heroin, coke, you name it he's done it. i accept that he is going to submerse himself in these things, and that it'll kill him someday. he does drugs, i ride a motorcycle, both can kill us yet we both love what we love. i can't judge him.
well at least he takes care of his business and gets shit done, most guys can't handle the two and ruin themselves financially , so maybe he has it under more control than it would appear to you, who knows!!

you sound like a solid friend brutha, KUDOS for caring!!
^ right, it really does. i've watched this thing probably 4x now, so much resonates with me. alcoholism is a slippery slope and you're fucked because you don't quite realize the degree of that slope you're on until things are really bad or too late.