one arm dumbells rows


MuscleChemistry member
Which is best style to use them?

A) On a flat bench, having one knee and arm on the bench.


B) Just leaning over on something(dumbell rack) with both feet on the floor

I use (B),
I like option B ...but as of late I have been doing them two arms at the same time...
I also incorporate incline bench db rows....I have been supersetting them with reverse grip rows with a straightbar
i perfer standing up, leaning over, and holding something ... i get better contraction at the low part of my lat and less stress in my lower back
I like option B for sure, I did hurt my back doing it though. The Dr told me the joints and smaller muscles cannot take the gravity the larger ones can with the stress of weight. I posted I hurt my back doing rows in the discussion forum. He actually told me to do bench with the arm and leg because of more points of contacts, less stress on major joints, and more applicable to real life situations.
Just sharing the info.
I saw a guy doing them on Youtube, which I have been doing for ~3 months now and they hit my back better than anything. Nuk, I spent 30 minutes looking for it and cant re-locate it. Ill try to describe it. Set your bench to maybe low incline ~45 degrees. Step back about 2 feet and with both legs shoulder widthe apart and paralel. Lean over with one hand on the bench. Arch your back like you would want your women to do, lol. Its kind of uncomfortable the first few times. Now row the dumbbell to the side for as many as you can, then pull stright to your hips once you run out of power. Its almost like bent rows but with dumbbells. You are doing bent rows with dumbbells but one arm at a time. I promise if you try it, youll love it. Hope I made since. Wish I could have found that for ya,
I prefer B as well. However, I just ruptured my bicep doing so last month. Doesn't help when you're dieting, weigh 180, and am rowing the 180's... fuckin fail on the 4th rep. I'll update you guys soon =/
I prefer B as well. However, I just ruptured my bicep doing so last month. Doesn't help when you're dieting, weigh 180, and am rowing the 180's... fuckin fail on the 4th rep. I'll update you guys soon =/

Damn bro, that sucks! Proximal or distal? This is one reason why I don't do these often. I feel too much tension on the proximal insertion. I've already torn my right once. It was horrible, but it's 110% now.