One workout in the last 2 weeks!


Staff member
Yep worked out on Sunday for the first time in a couple of weeks, the neck was starting to hurt again and I was going through some personal shit at home so I took nearly 2 weeks off after only being back in the gym for 4-5 weeks since my injury and many many months of being out of gym.

Just finding it harder and harder to get back into it!

I dont even miss the fucking gym when i miss a workout anymore, thats not good at all! I use to feel like something was missing and awkward when i would miss one single workout, lol

Anyways just ranting!
try this, go to the gym and do just 1 or 2 exercises for as many sets and reps as you want. Then do only like 10min of cardio at the end, and leave. That way you wont be overwhelmed by the thought of it all.
Wonder if a training partner would help .. It's easier to go when you have an appointment . Plus you have a spotter for safety
i bet some halo would be a good motivator, but i think i remember reading somewhere you were planning on staying natural for a while....
i bet some halo would be a good motivator, but i think i remember reading somewhere you were planning on staying natural for a while....

yes i was natural just about the entire year last year, between the wife and i doing feritlity treatments and then me getting hurt, i didnt take shit for the better part of the year last year,
You're never going to be 100% happy with a lifestyle. Alot of times I think about how much time and money I put into bodybuilding, yet I don't go out anymore and don't even go to the beach and it's not like I'm going anywhere with it competitively.
If you are having other things at home and with life to deal with and don't miss the gym, then maybe you are making the right choices for now.
I agree, thats the thing. . some people who never go to the gym think "WE" are happy and satisfied bec we are in good shape and push ourselves thru workin out, dieting, cardio. . but we are never truly satisfied, probablty even less than the people that never go .. . because once you start and miss it you feel you can never be wout it. But, as anything once something is replaced it's hard to feel that void again once your not dependant and its not a habit or much as a want. It's easy to fill that time with other things once you stop im sure. Not that all the parts of fitness and bbing doesnt make me happy because i love every part of it and the challenges. . but it doesnt bring the internal happiness that a family, wife, children, and true friends can bring. It's more of a personal gratification and stress relieving. However, it keeps me away from a lot of things I shouldnt be doing but also sometimes keeps me away from things i should be like . . glad they supportive for now:)
I know it messes with you "internally". You look in the mirror and just dont see the same dude. If your having personal problems which usually means lady problems, then that comes first. I was hitting a peak in July/August, then the soon to be ex wanted me tested, so Ive been free of supplements since then and I lost motivation bc she was also trying to take my kids. I stopped working out for a couple months then slowly just did 2 workouts per week. I was amd still have some depression. My divorce was final last week so Im ready for "balls to the walls", but I know how you feel 100%. Hit the gym gradually. Go outside, listen to music. Do the things that make you feel good. I forgot how great music was and just wlaking around the block. I think you are having some depression bro. It normal.
I agree when u get Ur rhythm down at the gym and then later move or stop going due to an injury or personal problem its hard to get Ur mind back in the game .. everything seems new and people seem different.. I can really give and definite answer since I'm sufforing the Same as presser .. its har but not impossible its like u plan everything in Ur head all Ur workouts Ur music and then when the time cones u bail ..
try this, go to the gym and do just 1 or 2 exercises for as many sets and reps as you want. Then do only like 10min of cardio at the end, and leave. That way you wont be overwhelmed by the thought of it all.

This is great advise...If you know you'll just be in and out within 20 mins it's not too much commitment to deal with and it will be better than doing nothing at all.

I'm in the same boat a lot of the time and don't have the major motivation to work at bodybuilding like I used to. I'll never be competitive and would rather just be in good health. I'm okay with going 4 days a week and not killing myself with workouts or stressing my body with huge cycles. As long as I look okay and feel healthy that's good enough for me.
The time away will do that, it happened to me when I was out for nearly 6 months when I broke my arm, but after a few solid months of training, I got right back to where I once was
Yep worked out on Sunday for the first time in a couple of weeks, the neck was starting to hurt again and I was going through some personal shit at home so I took nearly 2 weeks off after only being back in the gym for 4-5 weeks since my injury and many many months of being out of gym.

Just finding it harder and harder to get back into it!

I dont even miss the fucking gym when i miss a workout anymore, thats not good at all! I use to feel like something was missing and awkward when i would miss one single workout, lol

Anyways just ranting!

You will get back in your groove eventually- give it time.
It in your DNA somewhere you will find it.