Opinions on Dbol?

I was going back and forth with d-bol and prop for kickstarting my current cycle and ended going with d-bol @ 30 mg/ed 1-6. The painful back pumps didn't come around until the start of week 5 though. Now, mind you, I used Bulgarian d-bol (Bionabol), not Anabol. I gained a quick ten pounds in about three weeks, but the HUGE strength increases from it never came. Would I go with Prop next time though? Not necessarily.

If you are going to use d-bol, I would use it for six weeks, and only use Pink Thais (British Dispensary, and not British Dragon). These are real Anabol and the best d-bol available. If you aren't going to use these, then go with prop.
I think the Bianabol has poor quality standards. I used it once and it sucked. I disagree with the notion that the only good Dbol is the Pinkys. Naposims are great. All the people I know that took'em avg. 16-20 gains in 6wks. Which makes it a tough act to follow when you are used to that type of gain then you wait for the Test to kick in and the gains are of a higher quality but come much slower.
I heard good thing about Naps, just as much as I heard good things about Russian d-bol. I had a friend who said Russian was the best available, only because he used 50 mg/ed for about 8 weeks. At that dosage, whether it be with Russian or Bulgarian, or any other brand of d-bol, the weight gains are sure to be huge. In that respect, the brand and dosages are relative.

Nonetheless, do enough searches on this site or any other site concerning gear and you will inevitably find that Anabol (Pink Thai- British Dispensary) unltimately are the best d-bol available.
That's another post altogether: Naps vs. Russian. I think you will find an even split in preference between the two though. Both are pretty good, at least from what I've heard. Go with what is cheaper, only if, again, Pink Thais (British Dispensary) are unattainable.
On my next bulker I will probably go with Pink Thais, if I could get them. If not, I will opt for Prop.

Midwtchamp loves to see these letters in succession: P-R-O-P. Now I will laugh electronically: LOL.
The pinkys are definetly more popular than any Dbol around. This makes their price higher in most places. I've done all four types discussed. In my humble opinion
Pinkys and Naps work the same, Identical gains and effects.
The Bianabol sucked. There might be some that is good out there but I've never seen it.
The Russian type was very potient, However it gave me bad achne that I wasn't ready for cuz that never happened to me with Dbol. I know others that have had no problem with it.

I agree, Go with what is cheapiest of the three RUS,NAP,PINK
Which is usually the Russian..
BTW -the back pain that was discussed earlier in this thread is gone :)
I've been off the Dbol for about a week.
Back to doing alot of pain free SQUATS...Yes !!!