opposite grip powergrip on deads?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
how many of you guys use a "powergrip" on deads like right hand over and left turned around. I usually always use both palms like doing bench cause i heard that some of your bodys symettry will be thrown off with a different grip. Anybody know this myth to be true?
Never heard that could happen. I don't use the "powergrip" anyway though I used to back in the day. Used to be that that was how coaches were teaching kids how to do deads back then. Now you have all the different styles so I just picked one that works better for me.
i use a "over over" grip. too high risk to your biceps with an "oven under" grip.
I use the "powergrip" you talk about. I actually thought the same thing about it throwing off symmetry so I rotate my hands each set. I just get a better grip with the "powergrip"...my forearms give out before my back if I hold it differently.
mikeswift said:
you guys don't use handgrippers?

LOL I wonder if handgrippers work as well as trying to get out of a Chinese Finger Trap? That's what I use to build up my forearms...
cool thanks for the opinions fellers oh yeah my comp is bad ass figured ill let you know in just about every thread :)
how the hell are you guys able to grip that much weight without using a "power grip?" I have to once i hit 300+ or I wont be able to grip shit. I don't like riststraps because they rob you of all that great forearm work...
I use straps myself when going above 350 otherwise I use under/over. I'm also worried about bicep injury when going heavy with the over/under grip.
i typically use straps as well but seems like when im doing rack pulls i always use i know its not a true snatch grip but thats what i call them over over. When i do deads off the floor i find myself straps or not using over under. humm who knows lol.
Just started deads again (with D.C.) I used to use power grip and switched it to get
each side equally. I worked out for years at a gym with a lot of Olimpic lifters.
The owner was the Olimpic weightlifting coach every other Olimpics. They used to
do HEAVY deads to help with their Olimpic lifts. (Snatch - clean and jerk)
They ALL used power grip - so I did the same. I figured there was a reason for it
but never asked. Just figured if it was good enough for them then it was good
enough for me.