Oral Only Success...


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I got over my fear of sticking myself before i began college but for some dudes, for whatever reason, they just cant shake the fear of a needlestick. Which in turn leads to the always controversial "oral only cycle"...
So i figured i would share my buddy's story and philosphy with y'all....He is 28 years old and i've been friends with him for about 10 years. In that ten years he has taken ONE shot of test cyp but has prob done roughly 10 cycles that i can account for....

He has experimented with multiple different orals and combinations but he has had the most success with two different combos. Typically in the fall he does Dbol 30mg and Topical Test Gel for 8wks and come spring time Winny 50mg and Topical Test Gel for 8wks..(i wouldnt want to be his liver)

I have to admit that he has had great success with it over the past couple years..He loses prob 1/3 of his Dbol gains each time and it seems like his winny gains all stay. Looking at him you would think he's done deca, hgh, tren, ect.. Right now he is 5'10 roughly 205lb and lookin like a beast..
After watching him make gains each year I can attest that for his specific goals it works for him. So for those of you who cant get past a little teeny tiny 22 gauge there might be hope :D
My buddy is terrified of needles and I had to pin him the first few times, but once he finally watched me do it, he was able to do it himself and still does to this day
i have to do my buddys everytime he cant even watch me do my own it freaks him out lmao, its very strange the things we talk about like atrophy and horniness due to test not ur average conversation
To much is wasted or better yet cleansed through the liver that you are actually loosing full potency of the aas. Not to mention the toxicity they have on your liver. Just have a buddy do it. Intramuscular injection are the best way to go to ensure you get all the potency and full possibilities if the aas! Good luck!!!

So Mote it Be
i agree i help my buddy all the time hes to scared and orals make me sick feeling cause my liver cant handle it, not very good for lifting if feeling sick and toxic
To much is wasted or better yet cleansed through the liver that you are actually loosing full potency of the aas. Not to mention the toxicity they have on your liver. Just have a buddy do it. Intravascular injection are the best way to go to ensure you get all the potency and full possibilities if the aas! Good luck!!!

So Mote it Be

Um.... What?!? I think you mean intramuscular... :) Wouldnt want a newbie to mainline some aas now..
I used to be terrified of needles as well. . i remember thinkin no way i'll use needles and a pill or tab is way cleaner than injecting something. . also remember i was so proud my first cycle years ago was injectable D bol but I was able to take it orally Reforfit - B . My diet was shitty I was young put on about so many lbs of water went from 155 to 178 thought i was the shit!!! LOL It did really help strength and confidence . Once I finally got up the nerve somehow to do test and see how it made me feel overall the fear was worth it! I still hate needles at the Dr but dont mind doin it myself. Now i feel just the opposite. . i'll throw in an oral for few weeks to kick start but injecting is clean and more simple. . and libido thanks me LOL!!!
Ive never tried the test gel that he uses. So i have no way of knowing how effective it really is; but i wonder if it is the key ingredient in his cycles...
He seems to keep more of his gains than u would expect
I've done a shit load of oral anabolics, and prob will never do them again. Except provarin. The sides to gains ratio just is not worth it in my op. Just tell you bro's to quit being pussies and pin already. I was scared as shit when I first decided to go to the darkside, but after the 1st inj. I was like shit this ain't nothing to be scared of.
19s to young but u know that and i had to learn everything all on my own, i found source online and talked to lots of people and researched like crazy but my towns small so when it came to injecting it was all on me, i was kinda intemidated by the size of pin but went for it and have never looked back, for me it all got started when i started using pro anabolics, prohormones superdrol but the sides r to bad hurts my kidneys and my liver ill never go back unless just jumpstarting my cycle with dbol like previously said
the only time kidneys ever hurt im pretty sure the gear was bunk, and it was pricey too so it sucked X2
I've done a shit load of oral anabolics, and prob will never do them again. Except provarin. The sides to gains ratio just is not worth it in my op. Just tell you bro's to quit being pussies and pin already. I was scared as shit when I first decided to go to the darkside, but after the 1st inj. I was like shit this ain't nothing to be scared of.

Proviron is probably one of my favorite orals BY FAR