Organon sust

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Sorry to bother everyone again about different brands...but what is everyone's thoughts about organon sust vs upjohn cyp? FYI, organon is probably twice as much money, but if it is good shit, then I will go for it.

Organon sustanon is top quality stuff, but like musclehead pointed out works better if used EOD due to the short acting test prop in it.
I'm with midwtchamp on this one. Not a big fan of sust. I'd prefer enanthate.

From the two companies you listed, I would also go with organon. They've got top quality gear.
Organon is top shelf, but for half the cash I'd go with Upjohn cyp. Upjohn is the goods also. You can do no wrong. Its great to have choices.
I used these and loved them Organon from Brasil... used to site inject delts and triceps and most pain free stuff I had.. never shot any other sust but always heard the pain stories but they worked very well and painfree... but they cost quite a bit more than the other test I could have gotten


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I have used both and even though the Oraganon is top notch(and painfull) I woulld suggest Cyp or Enanthate if one has a choice(you can always add Prop at the beginning of your cycle)
My .02
I love cyp better than enanthate anyway... running it right now and used d-bol to jumpstart ... used sust because I wanted a variation from the usual cycles I run to change things up a bit and had some less than spectacular test from TT a while ago and all available to me was the durateston's ... really loved the sust from organon..shot it EOD and loved it