osama & saddam

I understand where you're coming from Ded, it seems at times like Bush doesn't quite know who to keep focus on.....rest assured that just because the hunt for Osama is not in the newspaper everyday, that doesn't mean it's not going on right now. As for the threat of war, it scares the shit out of me. To think that some fruit loop would launch a nuclear attack against anyone is beyond my comprehension. Shit man, I have kids and I'd hope they'll be able to enjoy the rest of their lives without either having to endure the after effects of a nuclear attack. We humans suck. We're just little parasites sucking the Earth dry of natural resources and fighting over who gets the last scraps.....
persian gulf..

this is true! sadaam should have been taken out in 91! But remember, you pinko-commie-libs fought tooth and nail against going there!!! now you say we should have killed them??? no war, but kill him?? isnt that a little paradoxal??? anyway, osama is probably toast..but we cant be sure..sadaam has Al-queada hiding in his country..so here goes..

...Warchild, you're tripping me out by calling people "pinko-commies".....ahhhh, takes me back to the days of Archie Bunker:D :D
Re: persian gulf..

warchild said:
this is true! sadaam should have been taken out in 91! But remember, you pinko-commie-libs fought tooth and nail against going there!!! now you say we should have killed them??? no war, but kill him?? isnt that a little paradoxal??? anyway, osama is probably toast..but we cant be sure..sadaam has Al-queada hiding in his country..so here goes..


Sounds like you watch a little too much fox news,don't beleive everything you read or watch.

yeah..the good old days! All kidding aside, the hard left in this country blames America first for all the worlds problems..not that we as a country are perfect...we are not, but the hard left are treasonous..look at Sean Penn, barbara streisand, ed asner, alec baldwin, etc, etc..they hate america and what it stands for..

as for Korea, The UN never placed sanctions on korea banning them from developing Nuclear weapons. Korea made a promise to the UN. They broke thier promise not any international sanctions. Thats not illegal. A nuclear device is the ultimate defensive weapon. Thats why India never invaded Pakistan last year. Not cuz they thought Pakistan came to an agreement or that India's military wasnt up to the challenge. India had something like 25 times as many weapons and troops as pakistan but because if they did invade Pakistan could nuke them. Same reason the Cold War with USSR never kicked off. Because you cannot invade a country who has a nuculear weapon becuase they may use it. The exact reason Iraq needs to be stopped before they get a nuclear weapon cuz if they do Saddam can do just about what he wants out of fear of a Nuclear strike.
Gear101* said:
fuck it.. wack them all..

Damn straight! Nuke 'em!

Nuke Bush senior for messing up the first time, nuke Tony Blair for bieng a minicing prat. Nuke Canada just for being so cold and full of assholes.

Arm the queers and give guns to the middle class!

Declare war on the state of New Jersey!

There's too many of us! Let's have a war!

ziggy B
look warchild if u r assuming that i am a "pinko-commie lib" u r ded wrong...i have no political positiion or stand but merely say what i feel. what i am saying is that back when we were in the war with saddam b4 we should have taken care of him then.....then, today, we would not b in this situation that we r in with osama, al quaeda, iraq, and now korea. people obviously think that they can push us around now becuz we were forgiving with saddam in kuwait...its just getting out of hand and all this shit could have been prevented with saddam, 9/11 and probably korea if the US government would just take some action and grow some hair on their balls.
Saddam Hussein is one of Osama Bin Laden's worst enemies. Going after Saddam helps Bin Laden.

You are correct Dedprez, Saddam should have been taken out in the first Gulf War. The fact is, that is what the West promised to the Iraqi rebels. By not delivering on their promises the West left the rebels to have revenge taken on them by Saddam.

But now he should be left alone. The choice was made years ago and nothing has happend to say the choice should be unmade. Iraq is the most heavily surveiled country in the world, and there has never been a report that weapons have been discovered there.
As much as I agree that it would have been great to get saddam back in 91 the job at hand was to liberate Kuwait. Not get saddam. War is governed by the United Nations. Its not as simple as just go shoot em all. You actually need to petition the UN to do it. Remeber October last year with the UN in the news everyday. The united nations would not sanction us to expel saddam in 91. This time they are and we will
osama is like a boogie man on a stick, when they need to blame stuff on some body they hold up bin laden and go boogie boogie, and people get frightend and give up there liberty for a false sence of security , and some tax money and civil rights ..!
Guys I don't usually like to reply to OT threads, especially those referring to politics or religion but I'm going to make 2 points here.

1st- We will never catch Bin Laden! Did anyone ever think of what would happen if we did? Come on people, move the chess pieces! For one terrorists all over the world would be seizing hostages and holding them for the release of Bin Laden. Since that won't happen we will have a bunch of dead hostages, terrorists and military/police personnel. 2nd- His trial would last for years and then the U.S. would have to prove he was guilty. This could go a few ways. 1- We wouldn't prove it and he walks, 2- We won't prove it because it would compromise the intelligence community, 3- He is found guilty and after years of appeals he's scheduled to be put to death. Meanwhile his terrorists’ supporters have stepped up their campaign trying to get him to be released.

Bin Laden will never be caught. He is either already dead or will be killed as soon as he is captured. The news will never leak out. Best reports will be circumstantial concerning his death.

For my second point of what was touched upon in this thread I'm going to post something I copied off another board.
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." (Julius Caesar)
Sound like the American Patriot Act to you?
You know dedprez, it's funny you bring this topic up, because I was wonderin' the same thing myself. One minute we're looking for Osama, and all of a sudden we turn our attention to Saddam. I don't understand why Saddam wasn't taken out in '91. Our troops were several miles form Saddam and had an opportunity to kill him. I believe Schwartchopf (spelling) wanted to take him out but Bush said no. I wonder if this is to secure a second term for GWB...
I think the bush administration stop bringing up Bil Laden because thier isn't much progress being made. With the economy the way it is, I am not suprised why he's pushing for war. Iraq doesn't effect our nation's security, but it does effect Bush and friends Oil investments over seas. I have family in the military and I don't want them to get hurt because of oil or to hide a bad economy.

REMEMBER when bush Sr. was the Director of the C.I.A he put Sadamm in power to help us against Iran, Just like he put in Manuel Noreiaga in power to help fight communism, and Osama Bin Laden/ Taliban to fight the Rusians in Afganastan.

IRAQ INVADED KUWAIT TO RECLAIM TEROTORY THAT WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM AFTER WW2. We were thier because that meant if Iraq controlled Kuwait they would control most of the oil in the region. Remember George Sr and Jr. have oil investment along with thier main campain donaters.