
Stage Pro

First lets discuss Ostarine for men and women.

DOES OSTARINE REALLY WORK, AND HOW DOES OSTARINE MK-2866 WORK? WHAT DOES SARMs STAND FOR?. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. You are now aware of how powerful they are and how they react by the androgen receptors. The fact that these Androgen Receptors play a key role in such things as muscle growth, increased sexual drive and bone development is undeniable. There really hasn’t been anything quite like this in our lifetime. The results that androgen receptors provide are like those of anabolic steroids. The biggest difference really only coming in the fact that these androgens do not carry with them the terrible side effects usually associated with anabolic steroids. Many people have tried to attain these types of results using synthetic androgens with basically little results or with all the side effects that we are trying to avoid. The beauty of these androgen receptors are that they will completely change the gene transcription. They can do this in a way that allows the testosterone to target only bone and muscle tissue and not all the other parts of your body. You could say that it is like a laser focused androgen that targets only on the area that we are TRYING TO PERFECT

[h=2]Testosterone and how it effects the human body in male and female bodybuilders[/h]Weve heard bodybuilders in the industry talk about how they would compare the results from these receptors to the anabolic steroid primobolan. The way that it develops lean muscle mass and supports the joints and bone while at the same time giving you a boost in your nitrogen retention. One of the biggest problems that we see when experimenting with steroids is that it will really elevate your levels of Estrogen and DHT. This creates a huge risk of some rally bad side effects. They can range from enlarged prostate, unavoidable hair loss, sore and swollen breast tissue(known as gyno), mood swings, acne and a long list of other serious and some deadly side effects. We have seen people suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Another unfortunate part of raising your testosterone levels artificially is the fact that you will exhaust your body of it’s desire to product testosterone. You body assumes that it has all that it needs therefore starts to shut down production at some point.For this reason we see that most bodybuilders are required to so some sort of testosterone therapy post cycle. There have been countless cases where impotence resulted for some time until the PCT was finished. This can last months before any real change is seen.

So what can we do. Should we just say the heck with it and not count on anything to help increase our muscle mass since we are so afraid of the side effects. Of course not! This is where ostarine shines and stands out from everything else out there on the market. The great thing with ostarine is that it doesn’t convert to DHT in your body. It will not display any of the crazy side effects that we find with most if not all anabolic steroids. The way that it affects your estrogen levels is a thing of beauty. It actually increases the levels of estrogen to such a small degree which allows to provide excellent support for tendons, ligaments, bone injury as well as supporting immune function.

[h=2]ADVANTAGES OF THE SARM OSTARINE (MK-2866) SUPPLEMENTATION IN MEN AND WOMEN[/h]How much muscle can I put on using Ostarine? 8 pounds within a 2 month cycle

How long until I start feeling the effects or the SARM MK-2866 Ostarine Kick IN? within the first week or two

How Long Can I cycle Ostarine . 6-8 weeks

What is a good Dosage for beginners and more advanced bodybuilders? 35mg daily

Countless men and women bodybuilders taking this particular type of SARM are always amazed at the effects of its muscle building capacity. Most bodybuilders have seen considerable muscle growth in 4 – 7 weeks when taking ostarine supplements. Most are getting really good gains in the amount they can lift and the number of sets they can perform. The affect on endurance and stamina is seen almost immediately. Some think that they will see muscle growth in the first week or two. This may lead to some what of a let down. Then as week 4 or so comes around they are blown away at the explosive growth that they are seeing.Many people mistake ostarine with all the other types of SARMs or maybe they only think there is one type. There are actually many different types. Each of them offering slightly different results and different types of side effects. The reason why we chose to go with Premier-Pharmaceuticals Ostarine is that it will provide you with the greatest results with no side effects. This is in stark contrast to those other types of SARMs on the market. What we are seeing with some of the others SARMs is that people are experiencing night vision problems. Sometimes the damage is permanent.When taking ostarine you will notice that your strength gains come on rapidly. Many people underestimate just how hard this can be on the body. I have heard it countless times. Someone will text me and say “dude I can’t believe how much I can lift now”. I always inform them that while it is really great that you can push yourself to these levels your body isn’t quite used to it yet. What you will see with ostarine is that it does this to you right away in most cases. You just need to pace yourself in the first couple weeks to allow your body the time to adjust to the new weights and reps.

yes I'm gonna copy this to articles forum with a slight change in title!
This is a GREAT read and just into my 3rd Week with PP SARMS. I have been on both Ostarine and Andarine. I have definitely noticed some strength increases overall and I can attest to the increased endurance. I feel like I can keep going at times and I have added in some extra exercises during the week. I also noticed rep increases too. I am definitely excited to hear what may come in WEEK 4 and beyond. I am still following the 5 DAY ON / 2 DAY OFF protocol as Premier recommended. I know some other companies have mentioned that their S4 can cause some vision issues at night with yellow tint. I haven't seen that with Premier. I know they stated it was temporary, but I haven't experienced it which is a good thing.

Above all....I think with these two SARMS and the daily IGF, I am seeing my physique change and grow overall.
This is a GREAT read and just into my 3rd Week with PP SARMS. I have been on both Ostarine and Andarine. I have definitely noticed some strength increases overall and I can attest to the increased endurance. I feel like I can keep going at times and I have added in some extra exercises during the week. I also noticed rep increases too. I am definitely excited to hear what may come in WEEK 4 and beyond. I am still following the 5 DAY ON / 2 DAY OFF protocol as Premier recommended. I know some other companies have mentioned that their S4 can cause some vision issues at night with yellow tint. I haven't seen that with Premier. I know they stated it was temporary, but I haven't experienced it which is a good thing.

Above all....I think with these two SARMS and the daily IGF, I am seeing my physique change and grow overall.

thats great bro, stick with it, it only gets better and better, and i wouldn't up dosages until i plateaued in gains and some strength, but i wouldn't go by strength so much as to determine your plateau , as you can still make good gains even if strength increases come to a stand still!

good luck bro
This is a GREAT read and just into my 3rd Week with PP SARMS. I have been on both Ostarine and Andarine. I have definitely noticed some strength increases overall and I can attest to the increased endurance. I feel like I can keep going at times and I have added in some extra exercises during the week. I also noticed rep increases too. I am definitely excited to hear what may come in WEEK 4 and beyond. I am still following the 5 DAY ON / 2 DAY OFF protocol as Premier recommended. I know some other companies have mentioned that their S4 can cause some vision issues at night with yellow tint. I haven't seen that with Premier. I know they stated it was temporary, but I haven't experienced it which is a good thing.

Above all....I think with these two SARMS and the daily IGF, I am seeing my physique change and grow overall.

thank you it is isnt it hahaha