
Yeah I like Presserphobia or Presserphobic

thats my new word to describe these metro-sexual , skinny jean wearing feminine men!
"Presseronic" meaning: possessing an aesthetically pleasing physique. Well rounded and balanced muscular body. God like
How about Presserlysis the continuous shrinking of the penis which motivates some men to become self absorbed with the human physique... that's catchy LOL!
"Dudetongue" meaning: the art of saying something without actually saying anything. Bullshit artist.

((Ray is always sales person of the month due to his Dudetongue when talking to customers.))
"Dudefarious" meaning: A person who thinks the whole world is against them or always expecting the worst outcome. Also known as Chicken little syndrome
"Dudemic" meaning: Unlucky person or an individual who is chronically ill.
"Dudemic" meaning: Unlucky person or an individual who is chronically ill.

Lol!!! I used to get that ALOT!! Things are looking pretty good for me now though and I have been very blessed with how this has all played out.
"Dudephasia" meaning: An illness where ones skins flakes off sometimes in larger foul smelling chunks. ((No one would sit next to mike whos Dudephasia was especially noxious today))
"Dudeiquist" meaning: An especially pleasant person, happy go lucky regardless of circumstances.
so let me ask, who the fuck has honestly ever used the term Palumboism lol, and how its an actual term with its own definition on google is fucking nuts lmao,

Again, where is my term? Fuck, I gave so many good ones lol
Arnoldism or O'Hearnisn - Appearing to be aesthetically perfect an any other man on earth at that time
- a life devoted to self aestheticism
Arnoldism or O'Hearnisn - Appearing to be aesthetically perfect an any other man on earth at that time
- a life devoted to self aestheticism

SO SO LOL, I want my own term though for "Presser" lol, or for , somehting thats so widely recognized and used that google lists a definition for it on first page!

Lets see if I have anymore in me.......

He is a Real "Presser" / as in "Stud Muffin" "ImPRESSIVE"

yeah, NOPE, the well ran dry! lol