Panty Sniffer or Not?


New member
Something recently happened that made me wonder if this was a common thingy guys do..
If you happened to be in a situation which would allow you to smell the sweet aroma of a woman's undergarment, would you?

Let's set up a hypothetical situation.
There's a really hott girlie at a pool party that you've been crushin' on for weeks.
She uses the cabanna to change into her bikini & you're the next to use it to get changed. Her clothes {along with her panties} are in plain view lying on a chair..
You pick up her pretty silky panties & can see her through the window, but she can't see you.
Do you sniff?
Hell no............ if she's hot then more than likely you would be smellin some other dudes man juice that had been running out of her all saying the possibility isn't worth it
not unless she was wearing them at the time... then I'd drop down and smell, lick, and generally bury my face in them - sure.
no sorry that's one I've never done, nor do I have the desire to do.
We were all partying at a girls house way back when and were all drinking. I went upstairs to go to the restroom and a pair of the girls clothes (ie. panties) were laying in a pile. I picked them up and took a big ole whiff, just then I noticed my now wife coming up the stairs watching me. She never said a word to this day. So my answer is yes!
Yeah, I've been known to sniff panties all the time. bwahaha

I dunno...I don't think I've ever done it b4...There's a first time for everything, eh?
Sachet said:
Something recently happened that made me wonder if this was a common thingy guys do..
If you happened to be in a situation which would allow you to smell the sweet aroma of a woman's undergarment, would you?

Sachet, Darling....where DO you find these men? *hehe*
rotf!! you are so dead when this gets lurked upon. :-)

I think it's stupid to get bent all out of shape over a guy sniffin a girl's panties. I have sniffed the fron t of guy's shirts before out of curiosity becuase I saw what they looked like and wanted to see if I was attracte d to thier scent. A woman's panties is a little more personal then sniffin a guy's shirt but guys go more on animal insticnt and are more likely to follow through on thier curiousity and it not meaning anything.
OK, so I'm the perv that's done this on many different occasions....I think I'm in love with all of planet Earth's women, and I'm totally enamoured by the smell of their sexual organs

Dammit, I love women or did I already mention that??