pct depresion


New member
ive been on pct for almost 5 weeks and the depresion sucks!
im on 5-htp and zma. it helps with the sleep.
what are some of the things you guys do to help out?
no thats what i am useing to help the lack of sleep! i useed clomiphene citrate and i had some 6-oxo laying around so i through that in as well!
Bump....im not sure bro, depression dosent last 5 weeks out for me, maybe 2 or 3 tops and its more of the low test letting the estrogen effect me. You know more emotional, like bunnies start looking real cute, pink becomes my favortie color, sex isnt fun anymore I just want to cuddle. :rolleyes:
Allegedly Beta Sitasterol, Magnolia Root, Selenium from yeast, Phosphatidyl Serine, Alpha GPC, Carnosine, and N-Acetyl-Cystene are supposed to help by cleaning out excess hormones, especially cortisol and enhance brain function to improve mood, as well as relieve stress on the body.
its probably from the clomid...i know longer use that..it gives me really bad depression,acne and it just kills me..when i am on that shit i just wanna watch the lifetime channel and oprah and cry..
What is your 5-htp dose? How long you been on it? That blows my mind that it didn't snap you out of it, that shit is worth its weight in gold IMO
100 mg a day
been on for three weeks

brew said:
What is your 5-htp dose? How long you been on it? That blows my mind that it didn't snap you out of it, that shit is worth its weight in gold IMO
i have noticed the acne getting worse. have not had to go to the lifetime channel yet! lol

irishpride said:
its probably from the clomid...i know longer use that..it gives me really bad depression,acne and it just kills me..when i am on that shit i just wanna watch the lifetime channel and oprah and cry..
I started taking 300mg a day (split into 3 doses) of 5HTP about 3 weeks ago, and I definitely see a big difference in mood and sleep. I'm still on cycle, but the test and GH was making me groggy and clouding my brain. I think 100 is too low to really see its effects.
BUMP.... remeber we aren't the average Joe so screw what the bottle recomends. shovel that shit in for about a week. 300 is good, when you feel it working you can bump it back to 200 split am/pm doses.