pellet tren?


New member
hey guys was thinking of throwing in some tren to my cycle but little low on cash holidays and all. but the pill form is really easy and inexpensive. just wanted to know what you guys thought about the pellet form.and also if anyone know a good place to get them pm me i have one place but dont know how legit they r.any ways thanks for the help bros.
you are going to make your own?
Hypothetically, I made it from pellets years back, and it was a pain in the ass to make.
More power to you if you want to do it...
I've known people who always made it from pellets. It's cheap and easy, but a little tough on the fingers doing the whatman filtering.
I've known people who always made it from pellets. It's cheap and easy, but a little tough on the fingers doing the whatman filtering.
Some folks use a calking gun to get the hormone into the vial. The vial is fixed to the calking gun's puncture needle and a large syringe is placed in the chamber. Of course the vial is vented and the whole contraption is somehow held upright, but what I'm getting at is that all you have to do is pull the trigger every once in a while and check on it often. When it stops dripping, apply a little pressure to the trigger again until filled, then move on to the next vial. Good time saver.
i didnt get much from it, just sides. but i respond better to the enath version in general.
from what I remember mine came out nice.

can't you just eat the pellets cause the have some with test prop in them now. synovex h or something like that.Livestock Supplies, Livestock Supply, Cattle Supply

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