People Who Beg

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillTheButcher
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Does anyone know if there is a law against people begging inside of a store?

I work in downtown Orlando and a lot of homeless people beg inside of the Subway that most of us go to eat at. They will walk right up to you on line asking for money or even worse I was approached while I was eating.

Number one I think it is rude to disrupt people just looking for a quick lunch.

Number two, if I owned that store, I would be pissed off that my customers were being harassed daily by beggars.

Number three, I can't enjoy food when dirty people are walking around me.

I have no problem with helping the homeless however when people walk into a Subway and approach people that is where I draw the line.

One woman approached me while In was taking money out of my bank. She is lucky I didn't turn around and swing without looking.

It is getting tougher and tougher to walk down the streets without being harassed for money.

I like people who carry on conversations with themselves. AWESOME!
I live just outside of San Francisco and go there frequently for the nightlife. The bums there are unreasonable. I hate being asked for money/change every corner I go past. It's rough. I just heard a story yestarday that a friend of mine had a friend who's face got spitted on for not giving away his loose change. I don't feel sorry 'cause the guy didn't do a damn thing about it. What a pussy. I would've killed the bum with my bare hands.
jaywooly said:
I live just outside of San Francisco and go there frequently for the nightlife. The bums there are unreasonable. I hate being asked for money/change every corner I go past. It's rough. I just heard a story yestarday that a friend of mine had a friend who's face got spitted on for not giving away his loose change. I don't feel sorry 'cause the guy didn't do a damn thing about it. What a pussy. I would've killed the bum with my bare hands.

Well, one guy walked in today, no shoes on, dirty as hell, and stood in line asking people to buy him a sub.

Then he came up to people's tables and started asking. Screw that. I don't want his filth rubbing off on my food. They should outlaw people from begging inside of stores.
I work in Manhattan and I'm faced with it everyday... it's actually gotten a lot better here in NYC the past couple of years. I remember about 12-15 years ago someone new would walk through your subway car every 3 or 4 minutes asking for change. I don't even look or aknowledge them anymore but it is annoying.
no, they'd get thrown out in a heartbeat anywhere indoors... I know it's probably up to the store or restuarant to do it though so I blame Subways!
mikeswift said:
no, they'd get thrown out in a heartbeat anywhere indoors... I know it's probably up to the store or restuarant to do it though so I blame Subways!

Well, only one person works there and she weighs like 90 lbs. Tough call between making a sub between a safe glass and kicking out a toothless wonder.
i live 10 minutes out side philadelphia, they congragate at the lights near the bridge exits. i had a bum ask me for change i said no and he looked right into my center console and seen change and started banging on my window yelling that i was a liar,lmao, i shit myself actualy,lol
Presser said:
i live 10 minutes out side philadelphia, they congragate at the lights near the bridge exits. i had a bum ask me for change i said no and he looked right into my center console and seen change and started banging on my window yelling that i was a liar,lmao, i shit myself actualy,lol

I try and stay clear of homeless people because most were released from pyschiatric clinics and put on the streets or some have serious addiction problems.
BillTheButcher said:
I try and stay clear of homeless people because most were released from pyschiatric clinics and put on the streets or some have serious addiction problems.

u think thats true bro? i mean homeless mainly coming from psch wards and shit? I never pondered it much
I was stopped at a red light just outside of Boston about a month ago and a homeless dude came to my window and asked me for some change. I'm a sucker and usually give them a few cents here and there, but I didn't have any so I offered him a package of starburst that had been in my car for over a year that I wasn't gonna eat. He politely said "no thank you" and walked away.
i actualy also give in but only when i have some decent cash flow going on, gave a philly bum 10 bucks about 4 months ago, so im good to be an ignorant ass for another 8 months or so,lol
bums in my area are thrown out as soon as they are seen in the stores peroid. They have the right to be at our parks though which kind of sucks. This one time I was downtown walking behing this short old nerdy white guy. He walks past a bum sitting on the floor and the bum tells the white guy. "I could use some change!" The nerdy guy tells him "Then try moving to France, Mother fucker!" LOL I almost poped one of my nutts I was laughing so hard.
Presser said:
i actualy also give in but only when i have some decent cash flow going on, gave a philly bum 10 bucks about 4 months ago, so im good to be an ignorant ass for another 8 months or so,lol

or maybe i did it becuase the chick behind me at the light i gave the bum money to was hot!!lol and somewhere in my sick warped mind i thought she would try to catch up to me at the next light and say " your so nice, follow me home"
TheElmo said:
bums in my area are thrown out as soon as they are seen in the stores peroid. They have the right to be at our parks though which kind of sucks. This one time I was downtown walking behing this short old nerdy white guy. He walks past a bum sitting on the floor and the bum tells the white guy. "I could use some change!" The nerdy guy tells him "Then try moving to France, Mother fucker!" LOL I almost poped one of my nutts I was laughing so hard.

that is some funny shit
TheElmo said:
bums in my area are thrown out as soon as they are seen in the stores peroid. They have the right to be at our parks though which kind of sucks. This one time I was downtown walking behing this short old nerdy white guy. He walks past a bum sitting on the floor and the bum tells the white guy. "I could use some change!" The nerdy guy tells him "Then try moving to France, Mother fucker!" LOL I almost poped one of my nutts I was laughing so hard.

now thats funny,lmao
I bought one guy lunch and a sale closed for me the same day. Cost me $4.00 and I made $550 off the sale.

I don't like being stalked. This guy was polite and asked for food not money.
I've given people change and bought people food before. When I lived downtown on the East side I used to walk my dog in the park everyday and I always saw the same 2 homeless guys. I used to bring them old clothes and brought them an old blanket one winter. They were nice guys and never begged they just lived in the park and hung out there all day. I gave them $5 one day and told them not to waste it and one of them said don't worry it won't go to waste we're going right to the liquor store!
I was with my buddy in Manhattan and someone asked for change and he told him he did not have any. There was change in a tray and the guy stuck his head and arm in and said yes you have change. My buddy hit him in the face like 3 times with this long spring he had in his car wrapped in duct tape. What a mess it made.
Presser said:
u think thats true bro? i mean homeless mainly coming from psch wards and shit? I never pondered it much

thats definitly true at least for LI and NYC. Im not sure exactly when it happened but alot of psych wards had funding cut from then so they had to close and these places had to choice but to send these people out onto the streets. Pretty sad actually, i mean, the government can cut funding for something like this, but we can spend billions and billions of dollars bombing countries and then rebuilding them....or how the senate can vote themselves a pay raise. Im glad our government has their priorities in order...