Personal Experience on Side Effects


New member
OK.... Here is my idea. In this thread I would like everyone to list any negative side effects they have noted or had to deal with from their usage of steroids.

Here is my list:

increased body hair growth (luckily I started with practically no body hair.... :D )
Slight increase in LDL (bad) Cholesterol (test done 2 weeks after a cycle....) Got back to normal in 3 weeks after that.
Supressed HPTA
Slight Gyno (from my uneducated use......)
Heart Palipitations
Mood Swings

Wow.... that looks like a bigger list then I thought..... but I still think it is worth it.
crankin'stein said:

Here is my list:

increased body hair growth (luckily I started with practically no body hair.... :D )
Slight increase in LDL (bad) Cholesterol (test done 2 weeks after a cycle....) Got back to normal in 3 weeks after that.
Supressed HPTA
Slight Gyno (from my uneducated use......)
Heart Palipitations
Mood Swings

None of these were too serious, just goes with the territory I suppose.....

Acne (mostly on face, some on chest/delts/traps)
increased body hair growth (I got a new patch on my upper back 1 day)
Suppressed hpta (deca dick that lasted 2 months even w/ clomid)
Heart palpitations
Mood swings (wife says I have these...I don't see it)
Head aches (from ldex)
shortness of breath (from sust)
joint ache (from winny)
marble nuts
night sweats
painful lower back pumps (dbol)
and 1 good one...(from dbol) feeling of a sense of well being
22 people read what side effects we have had...... but apparently those people didn't have any side effects what so ever from their gear usage.......

WOW! Lucky them......... (note the sarcasim.....)

Can I get some more replies....
Most of the same-
increased body hair growth
Slight increase in LDL (bad) Cholesterol
Supressed HPTA
Heart Palipitations
Mood Swings
Stretch Marks
Slabs of New Muscle
Rock Hard Erections
Deeper Voice
Improved Sex Appeal
Manlier Walk
Stronger Lifts
Larger Penis
More Money
Prettier Wife
Nicer Car
Newer House
More Intellegience

I think that is about it
I forgot strectch marks....

And I think you should have read my whole post..... It said negative side effects...... I wouldn't note some of yours as negative sides..... LOL
Mood swings
Shortness of breath
Dry joints
Low back pump
Tren Cough
Sleepness nights

But other than these, everything has been great!
Acne.. not bad
thinning of hair
flu like symptoms
aggressive behavior
gyno.. really sucks.. not very noticable and lessens when off
stretch marks
definetly more body hair
fuller hard ons
Slight gyno
unwanted bodyhair- started with no back hair now when i lay down with out my shirt i look like a rug.
mood swings- part aas and part low carbs
painfull joints-winny
thinning hair on head- wish th eshit from my back would go to my head.
shortness of breath- part is from being a fat ass.
rugbythug said:
Most of the same-
Slabs of New Muscle
Rock Hard Erections
Deeper Voice
Improved Sex Appeal
Manlier Walk
Stronger Lifts
Larger Penis
More Money
Nicer Car
Newer House
More Intellegience

I think that is about it

Ditto here on these, excepting the more money and "intellegience" LOL. Just messing rugbythug... :)

Well, even with the significantly higher dosages for the past 5 months, I have to admit that I don't have any different sides at all, to this point.

Of course, I have had to deal with:

htpa shutting down due to being on all the time but only once have I had any problem at all with sexual function and that was when my dumbass left test out of a tren/eq cycle about 2.5 years ago. Another one of my dipshitted "experiments". lol

SOME hair growth but nothing major. You know, a few fly hairs on the back but that is about it.

I did start going bald at 21 - about 12 years ago. However, this can't be only from gear as it runs in my mother's family and is pretty prevalent.

I had high blood pressure ONCE in my life and it was only when my fat ass got to over 260 pounds a year ago. As soon as I dropped weight but kept the gear the same, blood pressure dropped right back into the normal range.

I simpy haven't had to deal with many sides at all. I have no problem with mood swings unless I am carb restricted for a show. Even then, I don't get angry as much as I just don't want to talk.

Oh yeah, my dick is small and it is ONLY because of gear. If I hadn't used gear, I would be huge, I am sure of it. Had to get that one in there. hehe

why can't hair growth be on the head? just a thought

mild acne
sleepless nights
severe pain (EQL's profina)
shriveled nuts
wake up at night in a teepee (woodies)
empty wallet
stretch marks
a little moody (very mild)
shrunk nuts .
some hairloss .
yep , definitely empty wallet :D
lots of mood swings (this is the worst side for me ) .
besides that , nothing really , my blood tests are all very much within normal range .
I have experenced most of what were listed.
A few more:
- Nose bleeds from high BP
- High red blood cell count
- High Liver enzymes

- Ability to piss wife off easier since I ask for sex "all the time"