Pet peeves (the kind that make you want to hit someone) 2013


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
As 2013 draws to an end what are your per peeves? We all know I have a list so I will get it started

1)The use of the word "legit" - not a word and fucking annoying, stfu
2)"it could be worse"- no shit Getting robbed sucks, getting robbed while be raped is worse, that plus someone pouring tabasco in your eyes is worse, all that plus you are laying in a pile of fire ants much worse, no fucking shit.
3) "We are lucky to have a job" yeah because the robots that can do our jobs are just waiting in the janitor's closet right now...
"boom" my fiance says this all the time when she thinks she is right and im wrong

my boys being lazy and not doing shit for themselves

oh these are suppose to make me want to hit someone let me think on that some more i rarely want to hit my family lol joking
My gf calling me man or dude.

My fucking neighbor's kids thinking everyday is Halloween and coming over for food handouts

People in general
My Biggest Pet Peeve that makes me wanna hit someone is people Complaining and making Pet Peeve Lists lmao
im going to complain my damn kids stomping up the stairs at 8am sunday morning then yelling and screaming about who is playing the Madden football game. we have 2 ps3 and all the new games why argue at 8am
Asking you if you are on "juice", I always reply "well if you want to piss me off and have me throw a 45Lb plate like a frizbee at your head you will have your answer but not be around to talk about it"

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and I thought Bigwv would have wayyyyy more lol. Big and I have so many that we have to live in different States
I can't stand crying babies or toddlers that will pitch an absolute fit when the slightest things doesn't go their way. well the same goes for adult women that do that as well. :laugh:

im going to complain my damn kids stomping up the stairs at 8am sunday morning then yelling and screaming about who is playing the Madden football game. we have 2 ps3 and all the new games why argue at 8am
because that curse your parents put on you worked. "I hope you have kids just like you when you grow up." :laugh:
Asking you if you are on "juice", I always reply "well if you want to piss me off and have me throw a 45Lb plate like a frizbee at your head you will have your answer but not be around to talk about it"

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yeah, I get this more times than I can count. of course I just recently ended a "clean" period so for a few weeks I'd say(and generally still do), "I'll bet you anything I'm not. come on I'll go take a test at a lab of your choice, you pay for it and when I'm right you can pay up on what ever we bet.". generally that shuts them up. that or the "well if I am you shouldn't be trying to piss me off with stupid questions should you?"
People saying "Damn you must be taking Roids!"

also a popular one that drives me nuts too. a great reply, "oh yeah? which one/ones?". they never know but I can point out a stoner or meth addict in a heartbeat. :laugh:
I can point out a stoner or meth addict in a heartbeat. :laugh:
one time when asked if i took steroids i replied no just crystal meth. i am one who is fairly comfortable with myself these days

also i have been able to honestly say in the past that i have not used any illegal steriods. that has kinda changed and will for sure change soon
Teenagers not doing chores washing up..then expecting cash for boots or cinema..

Wife giving money for boots or cinema to kids when they do fuck all.

That right there gets my blood boiling..

Gym partner not doing propper form then on the last of the last set tells me that I'm not doing good form..that gets me in a rage..ive lost it a few times at that..

- - - Updated - - -

People touching/using my stuff at work or home..if u dont ask dont fucking touch aint yours.
Here is a classic....When you get pissed off people tell you to lay off the "juice", and wonder if you beat your wife. I think that one gets under my skin the most.

Here is a classic....When you get pissed off people tell you to lay off the "juice", and wonder if you beat your wife. I think that one gets under my skin the most.

It sucks because I feel like I can't get mad about anything no matter how legitimate it would be because it'll just be blamed on "the juice". I bite my tongue more than anyone I know for that train alone.
Random people you work with walking by and instead of saying "hello" they say "Whats up, Muscles?" Damn it man!!!
What I absolutely can not stand and get shaky out of rage is people munching loudly on something such as gum or any food stuff. Man oh man, I have even thought of clocking my father in my dreams for that lol

Bitches who are so fucking entitled that they won't even say thank you if you are being a gentlemen and opening the door for them to go first as you approach one together. Kick in the ****!

Some random son of cocksucker in bus or train pointing at you to his gf and saying that's not real, it's steroid muscle. Anyone can't juice and be like that in a couple month.

See the thing is no one got balls to say shit directly, but they gotta make smartass comments to feel better about their pathetic self.


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