Pet peeves (the kind that make you want to hit someone) 2013

AHHH...... The magic "JUICE"......You don't even have to eat or walk up stairs...... No effort required......

(Push ups during sex counts as cardio though,....right???)
my 2mile drive home from work that been taking me 30+ minutes...and the **** of a manager that just moved me there..i have thought about banging the shit outa him..
People who let their kids run around like banshees, yelling, jumping, screaming, hitting strangers, whether in the store, church, or any other public place, and they do nothing about it. It's all I can do to keep myself from kicking their sorry asses.

This young generation who think they are entitled to cell phones, iPads, computers, high-paying jobs without working for them. Put in your dues just like everyone else.

People who cut you off at the last second without turning on their signal light to make a lane change while driving then glare at you like you were supposed to know they were going to do that. I can't read your minds, damn idiots!
Obama supporters. Pretty much sums up all the dumb fucks you may encounter on a daily basis.