Pets and AS

jake steed

New member
I am not starting this to ask if I should do this... But just let you read about a old friend who had a cat that he was feeding Dbol to. This cat was around was huge... I am guessing it was around 15 lbs. That is just a guestimate. I wish I had a camera. But he was crushing up dbol and putting it in the food. It had a hurt leg and he thought it would help. The cat got HUGE and MEAN and better two. Has anyone else ever heard of this? By the way last I heard the cat was ok.
my buddy shot his pitbull with some ip gear he quit taking.He shot it like 50mg test a week for a couple of months.That dog was HUGE!
i am sure that it can b done but i guess i would not do it myself ....if i really loved my pet i would not do it...
crazy bastards, send Choke your unwanted gear not your family pts.
how come dogs and cats can get huge on just roids alone and i have to bust my ass in the gym and eat lots of chicken. Life is not fair.
from what i have heard pitbull owners give them AS and run them on a treadmill to make them bigger/stronger for fighting.
People who fight dogs for enjoyment are fucked in the head, regardless of whether the dog's instincts lead it to fighting more than not. I have an akita who would love to get his paws on every dog he sees but out of love for him and his welfare, I don't allow it.
My Akita was prescribed Winstrol for problems associated with old age and it improved his quality of life no doubt. Even though he weighed about 135lb's he only took 2mg day. It'sstrange, Winstrol seems to make our joints sore but it has an opposite effect on animals
aas can be safely used in pets. I have a german shepherd that was always a rack of bones. I fed him the best food. I put bacon grease on his food, i tried everything to get him to gain weight. He was not sick or anything. He was just very hyperactive. I even had his thyroid levels checked, they were pretty ok. the first thing I did was ask my vet for a script for an anabolic. he thought I was insane. so I took matters into my own hands and started him on b-12 and eq. he gained the weight, not all muscle, but it's not like I wanted a killing machine. I still cycle him for 10 weeks out of the year and he looks normal. and I saw no increase in aggresion. people who purposely make dogs mean are inhumane in my opinion. I just did this to stop everyone from thinking that I never fed my dog. just mo .02

How much does your dog weigh?

Is he/she fixed or not?

How much Eq per week?

I used to have an older Yellow Lab, that when he turned 8 was starting to just waste away. I ended up giving him about 50mg/week of Eq and he put the weight back on, regained a ton of energy and lived another 4 healthy years....

i've never wieghed him. but you could feel his ribs and collar bones right throught his skin. He is not fixed. I know they say this will help him gain weight but he is fully papered and show quality, so I don't want to fix him. I was giving him 100 mg eq week, I can't remember the dosing schedule for the b12. the dosing is on the bottle. I would definately stay away from strong androgens. No one likes a mean dog. especially when you have small children.
I agree.

My dog was fixed actually, and still was skinny as hell his entire life.

Used responsibily I think some low doses of Eq can help an older or even under-weight larger dog.

There was a thread similar to this at another board and the bro was leanen towards putting his dog on AS cause he thought it would be cool,,,,,He was met with some heavy resistance,my dog had some major surgery and the vet put him on mild dose to IMPROVE HIS HEALTH and QUALITY OF LIFE after this ordeal that he went through,people,lets not loose sight of the fact that it is our personal choice to do AS ,but to put a pet on for the wrong reasons is putting your companion at risk for the obvious reasons that need not be listed,I love and cherish my dog and would always take care of him in a loving and respectfull manner.:D :D