Pic of me, yesterday

Big JC

New member
Here is a pic of me, my wife took yesterday. I weigh in at 247lbs now, my arms are 21 7/8",and my calves are equal to them. I am 10.5% bf according to caliper testing, and I plan to compete at 224. I am battling with alot of loose skin, since last Dec I weighed in at 268lbs and almost 40%bf. I have been making a drastic reformation to my physique in a quick period of time. I was busting out of my 40w levis, and now I wear 34w with room to spare. Cant wait to get into the 32's, but I dont know if my thighs will fit it. This one pic is for Chris250, as requested. I will take more when I actually can get some sun and tan up.

Big JC
Oh, I forgot to mention my height, I could only wish I was 5'10", I am only 5'7" on a good day!! LOL

Big JC
good job-thick as hell

and yeah good luck getting into the 32s with those legs...try Tommy Hilfigure Carpenter Jeans they tend to have more leg room than anything else I've tried
Big JC,

Hey bro, you look thick in these pics..But if you can (you can email them to me, if you want) some different pics...Front double bi shot, rear double bi shot...or even Front relaxed, rear relaxed, and side relaxed...I want to see, what kind of body shape you have

Chris, will do, I just have to take some pics this weekend, and I will email them to you. I have been dropping weight at @ 2-3lbs a week lately. My dieting may be too strict this far out, I just want to get to 8% and hold that till I am 25 weeks out, and then work out the last 4% from there. My strength is suffering now also, not that I really care, but I am thinking my carbs are too low, but I take in a min of 350-400grams of protein a day. I will email you with dieting questions also. Thanks for the kind words guys, after a 17yr layoff, it is really tough getting back into this sport, but I am very determined, and my OCD really helps out!!! LOL

Big JC
I can tell you have some good vascularity. You make me sick. LOL. My arms are finally 17.5 and I can honestly say I have never seen the vein in my bicep ever. LOL. Keep at it bro. Be an encouragement for all us old guys. Im about to be 35 by the way.
I can tell you have some good vascularity. You make me sick. LOL. My arms are finally 17.5 and I can honestly say I have never seen the vein in my bicep ever. LOL. Keep at it bro. Be an encouragement for all us old guys. Im about to be 35 by the way.

JT, EQ def helps to bring out some vascularity, along with a clean diet that will shrink fat cells and thin the skin. You got plenty of veins otherwise you would not be living. LOL Keep training, keep a good diet plan and stick to it, and if you use, than consider a stack of Test/EQ. It works fine, and its not too toxic at all, but 12 weeks is where you will see it working good, so you may want to keep your dosages on the lower end of the spectrum, and extend that cycle for 14 weeks, and follow it with MC's IGF to keep your gains, along with a mild PCT plan to kick your natural test production back into gear. Best of luck. Any questions just ask.

Big JC