Pic of Rep


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Gold Member
Here is a recent pic. Im learning how to post these, thanks to saudades. I am at a platue for sure.
6'2" (about or a little more)
18.5" arms
10.5% bf
small thighs.
*Started back hard May 2010 at 179lbs and 9%bf
My appetite always sucks. I have to force feed myself. I keep my protein around 1gm per lb or a more but my carbs suffer. Prob only 0.5 gm per lb. I think it should be 1.5gm per lb for bulking. Let me know if you agree
good deal bro, shoulders and chest have a few pounds a beef on um eh. look good bro

upping the carbs will deffinatly fill you out, glycogen build up and protien is key.
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thanks guys. I have a lot of work on the wheels. I am learning to take weekly pics. With Saudeds help, I will learn to post them. Metal, I used my I-phone for the pic but it was over 1mb so he helped reduce it so I could save and the upload.
looking pretty solid man. I know your pain with the no appetite and force feeding, as i have the same problem
Have you tried anything to increase your appetite?? I have tried cinamon, b-12 shots. Im thinking about Megace but its hard on the liver. We use it in the nursing homes. I know one thing that works but I dont think I could use good old fashion weed. Any ideas on increasing would help.
Have you tried anything to increase your appetite?? I have tried cinamon, b-12 shots. Im thinking about Megace but its hard on the liver. We use it in the nursing homes. I know one thing that works but I dont think I could use good old fashion weed. Any ideas on increasing would help.

My buddy told me his friend who competes uses Engorge by Xero Limits and it's working for him so far.

Hope that helps and good luck
Have you tried anything to increase your appetite?? I have tried cinamon, b-12 shots. Im thinking about Megace but its hard on the liver. We use it in the nursing homes. I know one thing that works but I dont think I could use good old fashion weed. Any ideas on increasing would help.

I've tried almost everything. B12 and EQ did nothing. GHRP didn't increase my appetite, and I tried black hole supplement that is made just to increase appetite and it didn't work. Weed works but I cant smoke it and so I just eat more fats to get the calories. Lots of nuts, peanut butter and MCT oils add lots of calories without alot of volume in food. Im similar stats to yours.
Have you tried anything to increase your appetite?? I have tried cinamon, b-12 shots. Im thinking about Megace but its hard on the liver. We use it in the nursing homes. I know one thing that works but I dont think I could use good old fashion weed. Any ideas on increasing would help.
I tried EQ, and b12. They didnt do anything for me really. Mary j is the ONLY thing that works for me. If im not even remotely hungry, i smoke a small bowl, and 10 minutes later I have the worst hunger pains, and need to eat somthing asap. Luckily for my job, it doesnt matter if I smoke or not. It is one of my most important tools... not just for appetite stimulation, but also it controls my anxiety and anger bigtime. I have bad anger issues
You look wide and solid, your delts are serous as a heart attack. Great frame/foundation you have built there in a year. It only gets better!

looking pretty solid man. I know your pain with the no appetite and force feeding, as i have the same problem

I understand this trouble too.. I have some tips to get past this if anyone wants some pointers/suggestions that work for ME.
thanks guys. It means a lot. Yea, my shoulders and triceps have always been easy gainers. Biceps suck and legs suck. My back is coming along grea though. I am trying real hard to bring the legs around. All the same, you guys have helped me a lot.