Pick One, Be Strong or Look Strong?

Can Jay Cutler take the bull by his horns??
I find this thread interesting and may have a different perspective being a competitor in strongman. If you think about it, both "strength" and "looking strong" are opinions. Seeing as 80-90 % of people, meaning those who dont exercise, dont know what the hell they are talking about, who are we asking? haha. It irritates the crap out of me when the first thing out of someones mouth is how much can you bench? Thats probably my worst lift maybe thats why. I dont train it much but its always been an issue. And secondly there are not too many occasions I find myself on my back having to lift something day to day. A good bench is impressive and thats what matters to most people i guess. I personally define strength in two ways, functional and pound for pound lifts. Nothing impresses me more that someone doing 2.5-3 times their body weight in anything! That is strength! I dont care if you way 150# or 350#. Secondly lots of guys can deadlift 500+ but can you carry it 50ft turn around and carry it back 50ft? So I guess to answer the question, its better to look strong because people are going to make assumptions anyway. May as well steer them in the right direction with appearance. Ive got my ass whooped in competitions but guys a lot smaller that me, and I counted them out before the show even started, live and learn. Great thread.
That's a really good post AS! I think it's cool to hear from a strongman perspective...

And you're absolutely right. People who don't workout don't have a clue. Nobody in my family is active and with the exception of my competition friends, nobody understands this lifestyle and to them I'm "too skinny" and "need to eat". :rolleyes: They don't understand the difference between a healthy, lean look and being thin with a higher bodyfat %.

Ahh, the ignorance. How come nobody ever asks how much someone can squat? It's always about the bench, because it's the only exercise most people are familiar with! :p
im going with swole on this one too

id rather be a mass monster that benches 20lbs than being an average sizestrong man
defintely size. i see lots of smaller guys tossing more weight than me. but they are only impressive in the gym. size is impressive 24/7.
That's a really good post AS! I think it's cool to hear from a strongman perspective...

And you're absolutely right. People who don't workout don't have a clue. Nobody in my family is active and with the exception of my competition friends, nobody understands this lifestyle and to them I'm "too skinny" and "need to eat". :rolleyes: They don't understand the difference between a healthy, lean look and being thin with a higher bodyfat %.

Ahh, the ignorance. How come nobody ever asks how much someone can squat? It's always about the bench, because it's the only exercise most people are familiar with! :p

Hahaha thanks Steph. Next time someone asks how much you bench, just ask them, how long do you lay on the couch?:lurk:
Hahaha thanks Steph. Next time someone asks how much you bench, just ask them, how long do you lay on the couch?:lurk:
LOL!! I"m going to have to use that! Guy at the carwash asked me on Saturday, "You been working out long"? I said, "Nope, just started last week, and I don't think I like it".