pics and gear and very little development, etc...


Look, I am a nice guy dispite what a few of you might think. hehe
However, I gotta get this off my chest and my intention is NOT to offend anyone. It is simply my observations from my vantage point.

Now, I don't want to go off on a rant here but.....

I spend quite a bit of time on other sites - making contacts with potential clients, keeping my name out there, poking around to see what other sites are doing, etc..

When I get bored, I check out the picture galleries.

Now, I am certainly no bad ass when it comes to my physique and I have never dominated a field of competitors on stage. I do have wins and titles but that is about it. Pretty average, really, with the exception that I can condition like most guys can't.

Which brings me to my point:
Anyone that wants to use gear, can use it. I will never and would never tell someone not to use it as it is an individual thing. HOWEVER, I have seen more than alot of pics of guys that are so underdeveloped that I just can't understand why they would mess with gear in the first place. Well, I suppose that this might be the exact reason but it makes no sense to me.

As with anything, there is a gamble and potential negative consequences in using gear. Why these guys use gear without any sort of base or even average development, is beyond me.

I just got done looking at some pics on another board and not only were they less than impressive, this cat was talking about competing. Again, anyone can compete and some compete strictly for the challenge with no real intention of winning. I understand that this is their right. I just can't comprehend the thought process behind it.

Now, the irritating part:
Why can't someone give an honest critique when it is asked for? You will see nothing but gay, totally inaccurate statements that are disquised and faked to be positive in nature. Sure, being encouraging is very nice but why not be REAL with your responses? I am not saying be disrespectful but be REAL and give an honest critique. Hell, I have to wonder if some of these guys get on stage BECAUSE of these false critiques and fake support.

Hell, you have MODS on other boards that when you read their posts you think that they MUST be pretty well developed because of the cycles they are doing and the info that they are spewing out. I can think of one site in particular and, again, I mean no disrespect but if you can't walk the walk, why in the hell are you trying to talk the talk???

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.......

i believe it comes from a preconceived notion that AAS makes getting big easy. Very rarely is proper research done on the topic, and more frequently than that, a good base has not been established. How many times have we all read a post that says, " I've been training hard for 6 months or a year and I'm ready to start my cycle". It happens all the time.

I personally don't compete, and don't want to. I just want to look a certain for my own personal benefit, so I don't have much to say in regard to competitions.

good post Skip
Honesty and integrity are like training legs-always painful and many don't have "it"(integrity and the discipline to REALLY train their bottom half)-Keep preaching Skip-your're a big part of why me and alot of other good bros call MC home!!
My take on it is too many guys think that if they do an "advanced-level" cycle that they will be come "advanced-level" bodybuilders, completely oblivious to the fact that the training, eating, resting, and genetics play as big if not bigger role in reaching that advanced stage.
Personally I trained naturally for 10 YEARS before my 1st cycle.
I think to many people think they can stick a dart in there ass and look like a pro in 12 weeks. Everybody that starts off lifting should learn about nutrition before AAS or even before training.

I agree with skip most guys that post pics will get responce like "you look great" or "you have a nice base to start from"

I have talked to guys on the net for years and then you see pics of them and think man what the hell are they doing wrong? I just dont know its just not that hard if you ask me just eat, train, rest, and know what and how to use diffrent things. The AAS are just the extra we need but not the answer.

I myself have told members this and I guess its because I feel bad for them but I will send a PM to them giving my thoughts on what they should do. I just dont post it sometimes because I wouldnt want them to look bad.

I see more ane more yonger guys joining the boards looking for that quick fix. ""I am 18 5'10" 145lbs how can I gain weight?""

Some people think it is all in the AS use but forget it really comes down to time! Something you can not buy. It takes years of good training and nutrition to make a great body. AS helps but it in itself is not enough! Great post Skip.


18 Years and going strong
Skip. I have been waiting for someone to write a post like that. I wish you would post that on all the other boards as well. Its amazing to read what these guys are taking for gear and then they post a pic and it doesn't even look like they really workout. And then people give them props all day long about keep up the hard work and your looking good. And then I also get a kick out of there bad ass usernames and they don't even come close to what they really look like. Thanks for that post bro!
Quite different responses than I thought I might receive. I guess I expected that I would be seen as pontificating. I am glad that this is not how it was taken.

Check out my new post about a separate forum for constructive criticism.

Right on, Skip. As it was said in the Blues Brothers, Brother Skip: Yeah-yeah! Yeah-yeah!!! (Never mind if you don't know what I'm talking about... ;^) )

I think some of the problem stems from some folks having most if not nearly all of their exposure to bodybuilding via the internet.

Meet a guy who's top level competitor for the first time and you'll think twice about whether you want to compete.

Meet a guy who trains like a friggin' rabid bull that's just been kicked in the nuts and you may decide that you don't have what it takes to compete at this level.

When I go to shows and talk with the with guys I am competing against or have competed against, many of them, very good bodybuilders who have been in the game for a while, don't even know what a discussion board is. I think there are a lot of guys on the boards who are not what they seem to be. My guess is that the social dynamics of the board would be quite different in real life. (Maybe Presser has a few comments on this. LOL)

GetnBigr - I agree. The thought is that gear is a magic bullet. I trained for years growing up (Jr. High, HS, but not so much in college LOL) and then for about 6 SOLID years, competed as a natty before I even thought about gear. (Frankly, for me - maybe I'm doin' something wrong - food and rest are much more important than anything else (given I train smart).)

I will add, like Skip said. I AM ALL FOR IT, if somebody's out to improve him / herself and wants a challenge. I spend my days helping people who are not top level performers in anything, but just want to get better / be well. Just be realistic.

There's a woman at my gym, who I've heard (haven't spoken to her in a while), wants to compete in a show in the next couple months. She's lost something like 100lb over the past couple years, which is AWESOME. BUT... she's like 30% bodyfat still - no where near where she needs to be to get on stage. (IMHO.) I am guessing she has been told by so many people how great she looks that no one would dare say anything "negative" when she mentions competing. Those folks probably don't know what she's getting herself into, as well. She is supposedly going to contact me (for posing assistance) so I'll have a chance to give her an less biased opinion...

Glad to see some honest critism.

Completely agree that if you haven't lifted for a few years know how to lift and dieting your just wasting Money and time.

WWM/PUMPED hit it on the head when you see young guys who barely lifting wanting to take AS.

we live in Mcdonald's Society and everyone wants a perfect body NOW.