Pics from the night show


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well, here are some pics from the night show. I spilled way over but still look pretty good.
You look very good Zeus , especialy considering it was your first show ever! You just need a little more sweep in your quads/hammys, but all in all you look great daddio!

Do you have any back shots?

Oh an it doesnt appear as though you spilled over much at all for these night time shots, believe me i have seen some guys who look way different.

My first show ever I wore black posing trunks for the prejudging and then I wore red trunks for the night show and when people look at my pictures they always think it was 2 seperate shows in the pics cause the different posing trunk colors and because i spilled over so bad by the night show,lol, it looked like a different body,lol. You didnt spill over much at all brutha, great job
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I'd agree that the only flaw is the legs, but that's not uncommon by any means, mine are big, but lack the cuts so I'm kinda in the same boat. Either way, you looked awesome in your first show, congrats and be proud
Damn man, you did awesome! Especially given it was your first show. You showed up in much better shape than I did for the Southern States. You may have spilled a bit for the night show, but I overdieted, over depleted, and then couldn't fill back out.