Pin yourself?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Well, as I said earlier this week, I've turned my buddy to the dark side. The funny thing is that he's scared to death of needles and won't pin himself so I get to stick him lol. I had my other buddy pin me on my very 1st shot, but it's been all me ever since. Did everyone else stick themselves from the jump or have someone else do it?
Nobody has ever pinned me but myself. Needles don't bother me so it's really no big deal.
I had my wife pin me for my first cycle. Tell him to put his big boy panties on and stick himself. LOL
I had my wife pin me for my first cycle. Tell him to put his big boy panties on and stick himself. LOL

You're brave. I talked to my wife about it and I started explaining where to stick, how to aspirate, wait before you pull the needle out, etc. After I saw the look on her face, I said, nevermind, I'll just do it myself, lol.
I've pinned myself so far. My wife has watched a few times, but it scares her a bit. I don't think she's grossed out as much as she's afraid she will hurt me and I'll get mad at her.
when i converted a buddy of mine 2 the dark side I had 2 pin him for his first time and before I could even break the skin he pass out cold its funny cause hes like 6 4 270
I've been pinning myself all along... no help for me but I don't mind. I thought it was gonna hurt more than it did but it doesn't hurt at all and I look forward to doing it now!
Once you get past the skin it is mainly painless well usually. The first part does hurt a tad but its not that bad.
i dont trust anyone else to poke me. i know the best way to do it for me.
Well, as I said earlier this week, I've turned my buddy to the dark side. The funny thing is that he's scared to death of needles and won't pin himself so I get to stick him lol. I had my other buddy pin me on my very 1st shot, but it's been all me ever since. Did everyone else stick themselves from the jump or have someone else do it?

Pinned myself for 11 years. It really isn't that hard so tell your buddy to buck up, lol.
I have always pinned myself, the strange thing is im an absolute wimp letting anyone else inject me .. doctor or anyone .. cant stand not being in control of it.

There is only one guy i will ever let near me with a needle and thats my bodybuilding training partner, and only cause i trust him (and its hard to inject your back from the front :) )

Pinning myself i have absolutely no problem with though.
I think eventually he'll be able to pin himself. He watched last night where as the first time he turned away. I think it's just a matter of time before he starts doing it himself. I let someone pin me the first time because I wasn't quite sure where to do it exactly, but after he did it and I looked online afterwards, I did it from there on out. My buddies gf used to work for a doctor and has given many people shots, but he still won't let her near him lol
It took me three days. I actually started a thread on here back when I first came on the board. Several memberrs had to walk me through it. I think Saud was one of them lol.

But ever since it's been smooth sailing