Pissed Dark Brown Blood Yesterday! Freaked me the fuck out!


Staff member
So Yesterday I was sitting on the pot and realized I was pissing blood! This has never happened to me in my entire life, I have shit blood, many times for years but its generaly just hemroids or lining tears.

However I have NEVER pissed blood in my life! I called my wife in to have a look and she said it looked worse then when she has her period, so i was freaking out bad as it was very red!

So my next piss which was severla hours later was much much worse, it was super dark brown like dark brown iced tea.

Has anyone ever pissed blood like this before? It cleared up today as i been drinking alot of water and my piss is back to light yellow.

SO i was reading and im pretty sure I found the cause which ill post below. I think it has to do with me going back to the gym and hitting it too hard and breaking down my muscles as you will read in the article below.

Also the picture im posting below, is kind of like the color i pissed, but my piss was MUCH DARKER.

ANyone else have this happen, I know it could be liver, or kidneys and such but i truely believe its Rhabdomyolysis after reading the reasons it happens i think it fits me plus im back to pissing normal

Your thoughts?

Rhabdomyolysis /ˌræbdɵmaɪˈɒlɨsɪs/ is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle tissue (Greek: ῥαβδω rhabdo- striped μυς myo- muscle) breaks down (Greek: λύσις –lysis) rapidly. Breakdown products of damaged muscle cells are released into the bloodstream; some of these, such as the protein myoglobin, are harmful to the kidneys and may lead to kidney failure. The severity of the symptoms, which may include muscle pains, vomiting and confusion, depends on the extent of muscle damage and whether kidney failure develops. The muscle damage may be caused by physical factors (e.g. crush injury, strenuous exercise), medications, drug abuse, and infections. Some people have a hereditary muscle condition that increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis. The diagnosis is usually made with blood tests and urinalysis. The mainstay of treatment is generous quantities of intravenous fluids, but may include dialysis or hemofiltration in more severe cases.[1][2]

Rhabdomyolysis and its complications are significant problems for those injured in disasters such as earthquakes and bombings. Relief efforts in areas struck by earthquakes often include medical teams with the skills and equipment to treat survivors with rhabdomyolysis. The disease was first described in the 20th century, and important discoveries as to its mechanism were made during the Blitz of London in 1941.[3] Horses may also suffer from rhabdomyolysis from a variety of causes.[4
I've never had that happen and I hope it never does because I will flip out

Trust me bro, I HONEST TO GOD ALMOST FAINTED, I got weak in the knees and my body felt super faint, not from the first blood i seen, but when I seen that super dark brown coming out of my dick I had to lean against the wall and just stared into the toilet for like 5 minutes in amazement, and shock!
Bro thats crazy!! Youre getting hit at all angles! I'd make a Dr's appointment unless you got punched in the kidneys last night.
I have pissed blood on two separate occasions. First was a urinary tract infection and the second was from epididymitis. Neither was fun and both landed me in the ER on heavy doses of antibiotics.

Get yourself checked out Presser.
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I don't know I hit legs pretty hard maybe leaning down into the butt blaster got my kidneys or maybe from deep leg presses I honestly don't know but yeah I get another shot for neck Tuesday and I'm going to the doctor and make appointment with specialist but my piss has been normal since so I'm hoping I traumatized my kidneys somehow when working out and hopefully it's nothing I have been having massive headaches to so I'll see what dr says
That is terribly scary Presser! I have never had it happen to me. I would get checked by the doctor even though it has cleared up.
Weird Presser . It happened to me like 10yr ago after a super heavy leg day too.. Scared and was outa town and drank water and cranberry juice and it cleared up after a day..You good now??
I have but not for that reason. I ruptured my bladder once and had surgery to repair it. After surgery I pissed blood for about 2 weeks. I had no clue I was going to piss blood after the surgery and it scared the shit out of me too. I called the doctor and was headed back to the emergency room thinking something went wrong but it was just blood from surgery. I would get it looked at for sure. Don't wait for sure.
Weird Presser . It happened to me like 10yr ago after a super heavy leg day too.. Scared and was outa town and drank water and cranberry juice and it cleared up after a day..You good now??

Totally cleared up bro!
Ill pee out some blood only during the night and only if I train upper body and do my ab routine which is 1000 reps, for me it was training to hard, but yea it freaked me out too. I didn't go to no Dr and i wont. I know what caused it.
I have but not for that reason. I ruptured my bladder once and had surgery to repair it. After surgery I pissed blood for about 2 weeks. I had no clue I was going to piss blood after the surgery and it scared the shit out of me too. I called the doctor and was headed back to the emergency room thinking something went wrong but it was just blood from surgery. I would get it looked at for sure. Don't wait for sure.

How did you ruptire your bladder bro, somehting from the gym or training? I have collapsed a lung in the gym doing incline flys,lol, was in hospital for a few days with a chest tube but never heard of anypone rupturing their bladder from the gym
I had that happened to me with the piss and than a week or so later my sperm had the brown bloody tint. I freaked and wife no longer wanted to swallow:satan:. I had it checked out and was an infection. Hematuria/hematospermia was what they wrote as my condition. Cipro took care of that.
I had that happened to me with the piss and than a week or so later my sperm had the brown bloody tint. I freaked and wife no longer wanted to swallow:satan:. I had it checked out and was an infection. Hematuria/hematospermia was what they wrote as my condition. Cipro took care of that.

eah bro i have some sort of infection, i went to the dr today to get my last epidural shot and they prepped me for anastecia* and then found out i had a fever, and they almost didnt go through with the epidural. So they put me on I.V of anti-biotics and waited til they got my fever down to 100.2 as it was 101 and they wouldt put me under nor give me shots until the got my fever down and almost had to reschedule the whole fucking thing which would have pissed me the fuck off

anyhow yeah i think i just have a sinus infection or cold going on but still going to see specialists about

thanks for ur input though brutha!
me too bro what is it the d bol or tren i drink alot of water usually but i was sick and was not at the time so i'm hoping it was that